Palladium said:
Yeah the TCCA method is unbeatable. If you don't feel like shelling out the cash for a Kipps, a standard 600ml erlenmeyer flask with dropping funnel and outlet tube affixed works just wonderful. If you go with this method, powder the TCCA moderately finely (shoot for coarse sand) and mix with a small amount of distilled water. A stirrer would make this even more friendly, but even without it is a very steady stream of quite clean Cl2 gas. The premixing of water is quite important; otherwise the HCl will tend to clump a portion of the unused TCCA up, making it useless. I think that 1 mol of TCCA (230g) and 1 mole of 31% HCl (~120ml) will generate 3mol of Cl2 gas.
I have been searching the forum for a simple chlorine gas generator and this is the best description I have found.
Is TCCA an acronym for Trichloroisocyanuric acid? Or does it mean something else?
From your description above it looks like you are putting the TCCA into a flask with a side arm and adding some distilled water to form a slurry mixture.
Then dropping HCl via a tightly sealed dropping funnel into the flask containing the TCCA slurry.
I'm thinking a clamp to ensure a tight fit between the funnel and flask would be ideal for this setup.
A length of clear poly plastic tubing (from the hardware store) with one end connected to the side arm of the flask, and the other sealed shut, then multiple perforations added (small holes) to dispense the Cl2 gas into the target solution.
With this setup, one could regulate the amount of acid flow to the slurry, and thereby regulate the amount of chlorine gas generated quite nicely.
I have a stir plate to keep the slurry agitated during the operation of the chlorine gas generator. Also have a ducted acid chemical fume hood on the way.
I have no experience with controlled chlorine gas generation - only experience with HCL/Cl leaching of PGM catalytic converter material.
I am preparing for precipitating ammonia soluable brick red (NH4)2PdCl6 Ammonium hexachloropalladate(II) using chlorine gas from a chlorine gas generator setup as described above.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you - kadriver