Gold from stock pot only

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Mar 6, 2011
Hello, I'm trying to get only the gold from my stock pot . Knowing there is (alot) because of a few botched AR batches. About 3 gallons. Just wanting to know what steps in Hokes book to do or not to do ??? THANK'S Jerry
You only need to post your question once here on the forum.

You can just about any infomation on what you want here on the forum if you take the time to use the search function.

Put a copper bar in your solution, let solids settle, siphon off solution, reprocess your solids.

Get you a copy of Hoke's and do some reading please, it is obvious you have done very little investigation or reading on the forum.
Barren Realms 007 said:
You only need to post your question once here on the forum.

You can just about any infomation on what you want here on the forum if you take the time to use the search function.

Put a copper bar in your solution, let solids settle, siphon off solution, reprocess your solids.

Get you a copy of Hoke's and do some reading please, it is obvious you have done very little investigation or reading on the forum.

Hey Barren. Speaking of stockpots :p , how did your recovery go?
goldenchild said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
You only need to post your question once here on the forum.

You can just about any infomation on what you want here on the forum if you take the time to use the search function.

Put a copper bar in your solution, let solids settle, siphon off solution, reprocess your solids.

Get you a copy of Hoke's and do some reading please, it is obvious you have done very little investigation or reading on the forum.

Hey Barren. Speaking of stockpots :p , how did your recovery go?

Pretty good, got a touch under 7oz out of the fingers and I will be siphoning the solution off my bucket's tonight and tomorrow morning to find the final result.
Barren Realms 007 said:
goldenchild said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
You only need to post your question once here on the forum.

You can just about any infomation on what you want here on the forum if you take the time to use the search function.

Put a copper bar in your solution, let solids settle, siphon off solution, reprocess your solids.

Get you a copy of Hoke's and do some reading please, it is obvious you have done very little investigation or reading on the forum.

Hey Barren. Speaking of stockpots :p , how did your recovery go?

Pretty good, got a touch under 7oz out of the fingers and I will be siphoning the solution off my bucket's tonight and tomorrow morning to find the final result.

Will there be any pictures?
goldenchild said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
goldenchild said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
You only need to post your question once here on the forum.

You can just about any infomation on what you want here on the forum if you take the time to use the search function.

Put a copper bar in your solution, let solids settle, siphon off solution, reprocess your solids.

Get you a copy of Hoke's and do some reading please, it is obvious you have done very little investigation or reading on the forum.

Hey Barren. Speaking of stockpots :p , how did your recovery go?

Pretty good, got a touch under 7oz out of the fingers and I will be siphoning the solution off my bucket's tonight and tomorrow morning to find the final result.

Will there be any pictures?

Probably so. 8) They will be posted in my What's Happening thread. And some new project's are possibly about to take shape soon. :mrgreen:
Hey BR. Did you really get 7 oz from fingers???????? If so how many pounds (tons) lol.
Thats a lot of fingers. I am currently removing the chips from 140 lbs of fingerless memory . lots of little chips. Hope its worth it....
It was 80 lbs of fingers.

Processed in AP.

This was done in a 15 gal barrel where 6 gals of acid and 3 gals of water were mixed after the fingers were put in the barrel. 2 gals of 4-6% peroxide was added. The solution had a dual outlet fish bubbler running in it. I let the stuff sit for 2 weeks in the solution, in 30-50 F weather and snow.

The solution was drained off to another container minus majority of gold flakes and fingers. To this solution was added 1 gal of 6% peroxide and the bubbler to dissolve the saturated copper in the solution. This was allowed to set for 1 week and then drained off after all particals had settled to the bottom. The settlement was then processed with the gold finger and flakes.

The fingers with the gold flakes were futher processed in 1 gal HCL and 1/2 gal water and Sodium Nitrate added in small amounts. I took my fish cooker and used a big pot to heate in, I put my 5 gal bucket inside the fish cooker and then used a 2gal container with holes in the bottom. I put the fingers in the smaller cotainer and then put it in the 5 gal bucket of AR. I would let this soak for a while and then change out to another small bucket. After all the fingers and flakes were dissolved I ran the solution iced down thru the new filter I made and then drop the solution with SMB.
Barren, that would have been exciting to see! You should start a thread and start posting pictures next time you do a big batch like that, I'd love to see an 80 lb recovery of fingers thread.
I visited with barren this past weekend (1st time meeting him ) and I must say that THAT 7oz JAR WAS HEAVY;;;;
and it was pretty,,, he only let me hold it for about 3-4 seconds and took it back :cry: but I got to hold it :lol: It was a good visit and I hope to have many more (only 57 miles) :lol:

stihl88 said:
Barren, that would have been exciting to see! You should start a thread and start posting pictures next time you do a big batch like that, I'd love to see an 80 lb recovery of fingers thread.

Processing the batch in 30-40 F weather and snow was not fun. But the end result was worth the work.

I will consider doing this on the next batch I get to process. I think I have 80-100 lbs. being shipped soon to process. Along with another batch of chips. But I need to finish up some other projects before I do them.
trashmaster said:
I visited with barren this past weekend (1st time meeting him ) and I must say that THAT 7oz JAR WAS HEAVY;;;;
and it was pretty,,, he only let me hold it for about 3-4 seconds and took it back :cry: but I got to hold it :lol: It was a good visit and I hope to have many more (only 57 miles) :lol:


Yep, I enjoyed the visit too. And I am looking forward to the stuff you showed.
Barren Realms 007 said:
stihl88 said:
Barren, that would have been exciting to see! You should start a thread and start posting pictures next time you do a big batch like that, I'd love to see an 80 lb recovery of fingers thread.

Processing the batch in 30-40 F weather and snow was not fun. But the end result was worth the work.

I will consider doing this on the next batch I get to process. I think I have 80-100 lbs. being shipped soon to process. Along with another batch of chips. But I need to finish up some other projects before I do them.

Yeah tell me about it, Ive got lot's to finish processing also. I'm doing a batch of 300g of 925 silver at the moment then i'm going to move back to the Milspec processors and Telco gear...

Well i look forward to the 80-100lb thread!

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