Hi Jim,the idea behind the question i asked was to make a list of trusted refiners in Ontario based on experience. Every buyer has different needs and different solutions will help at different points of time.Lets say X is in Scarborough,has 1.5oz.of scrap gold and needs the fastest turnaround willing to sacrifice 1% or 2.Y is in Newmarket,has 2oz.does not care if takes 3 days or 2 weeks, but wants top $!Z is in Kingston,has a 1lb.does not know any of the refiners and needs to sleep assured tonight after mailing the package that wont get screwed!
Should X drive or not to
Refine All Metal,Express Gold or E.d.i. and why ?
What would be the best solutions for Y and Z?
Well thats long enough!I hope ,you catch my drift!The main points i would say are:Refiner charge,turnaround,location,trust,costumer service....?
Let do it!