Hello everyone,
I am zzroger from Queensland Australia.
We have a fascination for both silver and gold. We have tried some prospecting for gold with, we think, no luck ( no idea what we've ended up with, but it isn't ferric but is very dark and not bright and shiny).
Our aim is to be able to turn scrap silver into usable 'trinkets'. We would like to silver plate some items, but that looks beyond the home capabilities. A pity, we are often able to get damaged silver plate items cheaply. Maybe someone on the forum has some ideas as to how we could restore those. I shall explore the threads and find out,
My big problem is a lack of chemistry knowledge. When I was last at school 50 years ago, we did general science that included some very basic chemistry, but, most of what I learned is gone and even that was too basic for the 'wonders' that I see accomplished by you precious metal recoverers. However, if I read, I learn, if I learn I may get to understand and that's what it's all about.
I am zzroger from Queensland Australia.
We have a fascination for both silver and gold. We have tried some prospecting for gold with, we think, no luck ( no idea what we've ended up with, but it isn't ferric but is very dark and not bright and shiny).
Our aim is to be able to turn scrap silver into usable 'trinkets'. We would like to silver plate some items, but that looks beyond the home capabilities. A pity, we are often able to get damaged silver plate items cheaply. Maybe someone on the forum has some ideas as to how we could restore those. I shall explore the threads and find out,
My big problem is a lack of chemistry knowledge. When I was last at school 50 years ago, we did general science that included some very basic chemistry, but, most of what I learned is gone and even that was too basic for the 'wonders' that I see accomplished by you precious metal recoverers. However, if I read, I learn, if I learn I may get to understand and that's what it's all about.