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Gold Refining Forum

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Hi all.

I've been lurking for a while now but decided I should at least make an introduction. I work for a "non-profit" electronics recycler where I spend most of my time disassembling computers. While it is interesting work, I am quite aware that the owner is not properly monetizing the scrap we have at our disposal. I came here searching for ideas as to the actual gold values involved but am beginning to get the itch to try my hand at recovery and refining.

The only problem is that I have no place that is secure (I have a two year old child) and also adequately ventilated. Maybe when it warms up...
Welcome to the forum. If you are in an apt. you might have some problems if you are in a house it is doable. If nothin else get a cabinet on the pourch that you can lock up. It will be a while before that 2 year old can get into high places. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Understand that the incredible amount of time you spend chasing
after the glittering gold on e-scrap for maybe and I say maybe $100
could better be spent nurturing that two year old in a safe chemical
free and clean air environment.

The choice is yours. :shock: