HELP! Gold and Copper Solution

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New member
Feb 1, 2011
I have an acid solution that contains diluted gold and copper. I would like to drop one of them in order to titrate the other and then, titrate them both in a separate aliquot.

Im quite new in the matters and I dont know if I have made myself clear.

My goal is to be able to determine how much gold and how much copper I have in the original solution.
I have used HCl.

I want to titrate using Na2S2O4 and my indicator is KI.

My goal, though, is basically being able to drop the copper or the gold in one aliquot to titrate and then titirating another aliquot with both inside. Then, simply by subtrating I should know both, shouldnt I?
I assume you started with aqua regia and drove off the nitric to end up with a HCl solution. In the Analysis of Noble Metals by Beamish and Van Loon they discuss the method you are using. They report that solutions containing copper, iron, silver, and nickel caused no interference.

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