How do I recover the silver out of my ceramic CPUs?

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Supporting Member
Mar 30, 2016
Northern California
How do I recover the silver while recovering the gold from my ceramic CPUs? I did 10 ceramic CPUs. And I'm in the middle of filtering the AR solution. I've done it before but I can't seem to remember how I did it. Please help
If you have dissolved all metals in AR, you have to chill the solution with ice cubes as far as you can and filter the solution cold. AgCl is only slightly soluble in AR or HCL, chilling and diluting it a bit with water from the ice pushes it out.
Filter twice through the same filter. Rinse the filter with ice cold water.
when i remember my batches, the silver "washers" from under the pins were still presented in metallic form on the bottom of AR jar when all other metals gone into the solution. of course, silver in the form of AgCl is present in the juice, but from my experience it didnt dissolved completely.
maybe with prolonged boiling/heating, it will slowly dissapear.
from the solution, it would be difficult. as Martijn suggested, chilling, maybe diluting and then filtering the solution. putting ice inside do both things for you. also, the ammount is not particulary big. i never recovered it from the solution, but undissolved "washers" from 1,4 kg ceramic CPUs weighed about 3-5g. not negligible, but minor :) altough i don´t know how big portion of whole silver present was dissolved.
Keep waste filters for later processing as they will contain the AgCl. As mentioned the little silver rings that passivate and dont dissolve are easily washed from the bulk of the ceramic waste using a coarse sieve. I add them to my 'solid wastes' too. Its not a huge amount but adds up after a few years of refining.

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