How many dollars worth of metal in a television

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elbekasan said:
How many dollars worth of metal in a television

How big is a rock?

Sorry, but you've asked an impossibly vague question. What kind of television? When was it made? What metals are you interested in?

Having said that, I'm not aware of many members here who are actively seeking televisions.

FrugalRefiner said:
elbekasan said:
How many dollars worth of metal in a television

How big is a rock?

Sorry, but you've asked an impossibly vague question. What kind of television? When was it made? What metals are you interested in?

Having said that, I'm not aware of many members here who are actively seeking televisions.


The red ones? Those are pretty big around here. 🤣
elbekasan said:
How many dollars worth of metal in a television

and how much to recycle leaded glass tube, LCD screen, phosphores, CCFL backlights & plastics?

most CRT are negative net value - and are legally recycled only when there are subsidy programs from government present

I might misremember, but last time I inquired the cost was something about ~1500 eur/t to recycle crt glass, somewhere in Netherlands i think

if you just pull out the wires, boards & metals and dump the rest - authorities will cut your balls off, as they should...

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