how much h202 ?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2017
hi guys ,

im gonna be doing up some gold fingers and some gold plated copper metal pieces ( very small pieces ) .
i'll be doing the HCL/AP method . i have been doing a lot of studying up on this and some people say to use a 4:1 ratio others say to use a 6:1 ratio . in your experience what ratio would work best in this method ?

thanks in advance for any advice .

just as a side note , i do know that the more H202 you use the more likely the gold will dissolve into the solution .
You only need a tiny amount to start the reaction. Don't think in terms of 4:1, 6:1, etc. Add enough HCl to cover the scrap. Pour a bit of H2O2 into the cap of the peroxide bottle, and add that to the HCl. Then add an air bubbler. You really don't even need the little bit of H2O2. The reaction will start on its own from just the oxygen in the air, but the H2O2 makes it start faster.

FrugalRefiner said:
You only need a tiny amount to start the reaction. Don't think in terms of 4:1, 6:1, etc. Add enough HCl to cover the scrap. Pour a bit of H2O2 into the cap of the peroxide bottle, and add that to the HCl. Then add an air bubbler. You really don't even need the little bit of H2O2. The reaction will start on its own from just the oxygen in the air, but the H2O2 makes it start faster.


thanks dave
kernels said:
Yep, good answer from Dave - Give it a 'splash' of peroxide, it is just to get things kickstarted.

is this the same for the ones you dont have a air bubblier , just a tiny amount to get it started and let it do it's thing right ?
The chemical reaction needs oxygen, you would be wasting your time without an air bubbler. You can stir it regularly, but the whole process is much faster with a bubbler. Some people try to gauge the reaction and add H2O2, but with doing that there is always a chance you will go overboard and put some gold into solution.

By using a bubbler and a small amount of H2O2 in the beginning it is almost foolproof.
donald7755 said:
is this the same for the ones you dont have a air bubblier , just a tiny amount to get it started and let it do it's thing right ?
Yes, just a tiny amount to get it started. As kernels said, you do need air/oxygen to keep the process going. An air bubbler adds air and keeps the solution moving. If you don't have one, you can stir it from time to time throughout the day. It will be slower, but it still works.


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