if you mean mlccs you firstly need to put them in hcl firstly to avoid any metastannic acid in the future steps
Pour them in HCL for at least 12 hours then wash them carefuly with hot tap water 3 or 4 times to get rid of tin and hcl then heat the mlccs for an hour to dry them and thus crushing them will be easier, crush them into powder and add hot concentrated nitric acid to the powder slowly, a strong reaction will start and nitrogen oxides will rise , so work in open area please.
1 litter of nitric acid per 3 kg of mlcc powder is more than enough
after adding nitric leave it for 12 hours at least and make sure to stir every couple hours , you will notice brown fumes during that , when brown fumes stop rising then your reaction is done , now filter the nitric and wash the ceramic powder with distilled water, add that water to the nitric (use few water please)
Add HCL to the nitric, aqua regia will form , and silver will drop as silver chloride wait it to precipitate fully, then filter it, take silver chloride with filtration and make sure to keep it wet untill you process it with lye and sugar laters , the aqua regia now contains your palladium and possibly platinum , eleminate the nitric acid with sulphamic acid or by evaporation
Drop the platinum with ammonium chloride wait it to fully precipitate, filter it, then drop palladium with chlorine gas or DMG
The palkadium precipitate will be yellow if you use DMG or red if you use chlorine gas
another method to precipitate the palladium from the aqua regia after taking silver is by the following :
add clean tap water to aqua regia, the amount of water added to aqua regia should be 2 times its original volume
This way we dilute the acids and make cementing on copper possible
add copper powder to the solution, palladium will cement down as black powder
Keep adding copper powder slowly until no further reaction happens
Filter the palladium
Here you need to be careful with the platinum metals group, they are poisonius and dangerous never touch or inhale their powder
Good luck