Hydrogen Peroxide source

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011
I read on here that using 3% H2O2 instead of water for diluting Nitric from 70% to 30% is better as it will more readily convert NO2 back to HNO3 than water will (for silver refining), using less Nitric for the same amount of metal.
I'm also aware that Hydrogen Peroxide is sold with stabilizers added that inhibit it from decomposing.
I couldn't find anything on here that address this, and I found this info:
http://www.h2o2.com/faqs/FaqDetail.aspx?fId=11 said:
Most commercial grades of H2O2 contain chelants and sequestrants which minimize its decomposition under normal storage and handling conditions.

The types of stabilizers used in H2O2 vary between producers and product grades. Common stabilizers include:

* Colloidal stannate and sodium pyrophosphate (present at 25 - 250 mg/L) are traditional mainstays.
* Organophosphonates (e.g., Monsanto's Dequest products) are increasingly common.
* Nitrate (for pH adjustment and corrosion inhibition) and phosphoric acid (for pH adjustment) also are used.
* Colloidal silicate is used to sequester metals and thereby minimize H2O2 decomposition in certain applications that depend on the bleaching ability of H2O2 in alkali.

In some applications, a high degree of stabilization is needed; whereas, in others (e.g., drinking water treatment or semiconductor manufacture) product purity is more important. For most environmental applications, H2O2 stabilization does not affect product performance.

Do these stabilizers react with the Nitric / Silver Nitrate?
Maybe it'd be better to find a source with one type instead of another? ('Nitrate' sounds like a good stabilizer for our usage)
Is it possible to use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide sold for antiseptic?
or is it better to dilute 30%? (not just because of cost-saving)
I use 40 volume Salon Care Clear Developer that I buy from Sally's Beauty Supplies. My daughter worked there & gets discounts. I also buy it when it goes on sale. It also contains phosphoric acid , which as I understand, helps with the reaction. 3% will work. When you buy the developer in 20, 30 or 40 volume, know that 20 vol. is 6%; 30 vol. is 9% & 40 is 12% peroxide. There're higher concentrations, but I won't go there because of the "BOOM" factor.
Also, be aware that if you use it for digesting inquarted gold, some of the gold will dissolve & you'll have fine gold powder, which will slow things down for you when you try to decant your solution. I use it in my AR to keep the red fumes down.
In both processes I use it when the solution its still cool, because when I've tried adding it to the solution while hot, it fizzles on top & its gone in seconds & I don't thinck its of much help @ that point.

Remember to do your math & calculate how much of each chemical you'll need, that will also help with safety & cost-saving.


I hope this helps.


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