hypo needles

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Ive found that hypodermic needles have 20% platinum and a few other pm's. Is there a way of recovering the pt in them?
rkbassin said:
Never mind i used the search and found my answer.
I for one am very happy to hear this.I know the search feature can sometimes give you tons of results,or sometimes give you no results,however you learn what to use in the search and what not to use.
We are not purposely jumping on you,however the problems you are having have been discussed in great detail in the past,and are stored on the forum.
IMHO most of us do not want to dredge up and rediscuss,or reteach the same thing over and over,when it can simply be found within a few seconds of searching.This would be different if a member had a twist on a problem,or a twist on a solution.
Mic i guess im not using the search feature the right way. Sometimes i cant find but a few post on subjects that should have alot. Just getting frustrated again LOL.
My thoughts are;
Typing a few words into the search take less time than writing a question.
And you find answers, sometimes multiple points of view, that you can can get a better understanding from. And I think it helps you to learn better that way. I know it helps me. I rarely have to ask a question, because I know that most subjects have been covered already. Most many times.
I have been a member since the early days of the forum, so I can remember many subjects and things discussed. But I often have to search for them when needed. To answer many questions posted here I would have to do the same search that anybody could do just as easily.

Try to use search from Lazersteve`s signature line. It may work for you better. Try to explore forum settings, you can change many things in how forum will work for you, search too.
rkbassin said:
Ive found that hypodermic needles have 20% platinum and a few other pm's. Is there a way of recovering the pt in them?

Curious on what your source is.
Got the info from a nurse friend. She said they put the pt in the needle so it has less friction going inthe skin. Then I researched the internet and a company web site. They listed the alloys in the needles.
I highly highly doubt that.

As far as i know they are made of Stainless and Stainless only, for the price that a single use syringe is sold for it would only make sense.

The only reason i could see Pt syringes being used for is if they were to be re-used one could heat to eliminate germs etc and not for skin resistance.

Ive bought and used Hypo syringe shafts for using as micro seamless bearing shafts and when you work the steel it works just like Stainless does.

Think about it, all the junkies would be on to this already! They'd be walking around picking up used syringes to sell for their next hit.
Perhaps they should make them out of Pt, at least this would encourage the junkies to pick their syringes up after themselves :mrgreen:
stihl88 said:
I highly highly doubt that.

As far as i know they are made of Stainless and Stainless only, for the price that a single use syringe is sold for it would only make sense.

direct quote from CM Hoke's book page 104 par. 2

"Hypodermic needles are made of 20% Iridio-platinum because of its strength and the ease with which it can be sterilized"

could be that the other 80% is SS it doesn't say.
piccolim said:
stihl88 said:
I highly highly doubt that.

As far as i know they are made of Stainless and Stainless only, for the price that a single use syringe is sold for it would only make sense.

direct quote from CM Hoke's book page 104 par. 2

"Hypodermic needles are made of 20% Iridio-platinum because of its strength and the ease with which it can be sterilized"

could be that the other 80% is SS it doesn't say.

Hoke's book was written in 1940. That may have been the case back then and earlier, but I doubt you will find many needles that are that old.
I have one in the box from a platinum company that I haven't tested yet.

I agree, but only back when needles couldn't be mass produced and they needed to be heat treated and sterilized.

Edit> We must have posted nearly at the same time Jim...
If anyone comes across a platinum hypodermic needle, let me know. I'd be glad to buy it, and not so much for metal value but rather historic interest.

Sandvik is well known in several fields for their expertise in specialty alloys.

They do have some useful platinum alloys for some very specific medical applications. I wouldn't expect disposable needles to be one of them unless the injections need to be done while being x-rayed for placement such as in spinal injections. I have had this procedure, shame on me for not asking about the tools they used.

Ive got a few new needles. Im going to test it for pt ill let yall know what happens thanks.
trashmaster said:
a company named ( stericyle) collects and disposes of SHARPS nation wide ,, I could not find any info on what they do with them,

I did some work in one of thier plant's a few years ago. They had tried radiation tratments on the item's but that didn't pan out. I'm not sure what they ended up doing with the stuff but they still have the plant here and run full steam as far as I know.
I happened across this today:


It tells how after 1920 the needles were made with stainless steel.

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