I filtered my AR then deluted it with 3 part's H2O.

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Mar 6, 2011
Folk's, How bad did I screw up? I made a boo boo and filtered my AR then added 3 part's water. What should I do if any thing before I go any farther? THANK'S
Not too bad.

Well with so little detail as to what you were processing it is hard to say what else you have going on. If it was karat gold, the triple dilution is used to help remove silver chloride that can persist in a chloride solution. Personally I do not practice that though as it increases your volume of wastes. Instead I put my solutions in a dedicated freezer to force the silver chloride out by temperature solubility. Either way you just need to re-filter your solution before precipitating.
Thank's oz , So you think it will be fine ? Would you explain about freezing because it seems that i have alot of waste from filtering.
jerryreggie said:
So you think it will be fine?
I can’t say, I do not know your source material or the process you used to get where you are. This is why I replied with a generic answer based on karat gold. For all I know you threw some shiny rocks in acid.

As to the freezing, I have a small dedicated freezer that I put auric chloride solutions in before filtering. The reason is that silver chloride is far more soluble in a room temperature HCl solution than at 20F. It does not actually freeze at that temperature due to the HCl but I find it more effective than dilution with water at removing silver chloride with the added bonus of less waste solution to clean up.
No problem, but it would be nice if you shared your starting material and the process you used to get to this point so that this thread could help others as well. Context is everything.

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