I'm Scrappie

Gold Refining Forum

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I'm a scrapdealer. My company is diversifying into the recycling of e-scrap.
We want to offer a complete service to our customers. the question is do we recycle the precious metals our selves or sell the parts (pcb, drives,..) to third partie processors and lose control over what happens with it. (we don't want our 'waste' to be processed by a child in Africa.)
the recycling of gold is pretty much clear, its the recovery of the other PGM-metals that is still unclear.
I would check out steve's site as he has alot of valuable information posted there and maybe to clear some of the cloudiness of it consider buying a dvd or 2. The info is well worth the $25. And ask questions guys like GSP, palladium, lazersteve, and several of the others here have been in the business for some time and help ALOT around here.

thanks fellas. we all appreciate all you do here to help us newbies.

- Rich
Hey scrappie,
It's great that your taking a responsible stand for e-waste.
I'm just getting started myself and have the same fears.
Especially how to handle unpopulated boards and chemical waste. I'm sure we'll find all we seek here.

Best of Luck to You!
-Craig Collins