Is this gold or paladium after cementing copper?

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May 22, 2014
Hello everyone, i have cemented out mix precious metals with copper from aqua regia, so far the process is becoming easier for me, after cementing out the copper and the went into the acid to cement the copper i end up with a yellowish orange foan on top, im not sure if it is gold or paladium,

After i burn all the motherboards and gold cobtaining plastic, put it into nitric acid to digest base metals and copper, after digestion is finished i filter the copper nitric solution and put in a piece of item to recover the coper but I noticed a yellowish orange foam that forms afterwards (probably gold) but i know copper cements most of the precious metals

please help
Here i upload a picture


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First of all.
STOP what you are doing.
Store your solutions from this experiment in some proper containers and read the forum and Hokes book.
You will find it here on the forum.

There is little or no gold in mother boards or other boards. Some rare exceptions exist.
The gold are inside some ICs and on the board fingers from ram, video cards and such.
Simply remove the components from the motherboards and cut of the fingers of Ram or other auxiliary boards as close as possible to the Gold plating.
ICs can be pyrolized, ashed and gravity separated.

The close cut fingers can be processed in CopperChloride etch, aka AP, much cheaper than Nitric.
The foils from that can be cleaned in HCl and then dissolved in HCl/Peroxide or Bleach.

Nitric will not alone dissolve Gold so what you see in those "bottles" will be some other salts from Nitric.
What Item did you put in??? Iron?
If so the yellow foam will most likely be Iron salts.
First of all.
STOP what you are doing.
Store your solutions from this experiment in some proper containers and read the forum and Hokes book.
You will find it here on the forum.

There is little or no gold in mother boards or other boards. Some rare exceptions exist.
The gold are inside some ICs and on the board fingers from ram, video cards and such.
Simply remove the components from the motherboards and cut of the fingers of Ram or other auxiliary boards as close as possible to the Gold plating.
ICs can be pyrolized, ashed and gravity separated.

The close cut fingers can be processed in CopperChloride etch, aka AP, much cheaper than Nitric.
The foils from that can be cleaned in HCl and then dissolved in HCl/Peroxide or Bleach.

Nitric will not alone dissolve Gold so what you see in those "bottles" will be some other salts from Nitric.
What Item did you put in??? Iron?
If so the yellow foam will most likely be Iron salts.
I put a piece of iron, i knw there is little to not gold, I go for the silver, copper and paladium, the gold fingers i do separately wich is too small and to collect them takes momths

I was wondering because looks the same as gold orange powder

I colect lots of phone and computer motherboards, burn them, separate iron, ICs, ceramic caps, and i end up with lots of copper

I desolve the copper and wash the remainings and collect tem until i have a good amount to get some precious metals
I put a piece of iron, i knw there is little to not gold, I go for the silver, copper and paladium, the gold fingers i do separately wich is too small and to collect them takes momths

I was wondering because looks the same as gold orange powder

I colect lots of phone and computer motherboards, burn them, separate iron, ICs, ceramic caps, and i end up with lots of copper

I desolve the copper and wash the remainings and collect tem until i have a good amount to get some precious metals
You will most likely not find Pd in there and very little Ag.
Most modern MLCCs will be of Nickel type.
If it is attracted to a magnet it is Nickel.
Thanks for your quick reply

Every bach takes me few weeks to collect, i used to go for the gold but i found out i make more money with the copper
And gold is more slow to collect a good amount

Here are some pictures of the boards that i get over the weeks


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