It may sound crazy....!!! but...

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Active member
Mar 22, 2018
Hello dear members:
I was extract gold from ore with potassium cyanide , i tested the solution like Hoke books advice"positive sign", so when i get rid of oxygen with pump i start add aluminum....well nothing was drop i took a small amount and i add nitric acid ,what happen is browen mud was drop ....i want just to know what is it ? it was a small amount with ventilated place, it could be the gold?
Thank you guys
You added Nitric acid to a cyanide solution for what reason?

Did you just think "oh let's do the ONE thing you're not supposed to do with cyanide for sh*ts and giggles?" Or was there some logic and reason behind your suicidal act?

It states everywhere - EVERYWHERE that you don't add acid to a cyanide solution.

Humour me. Why Nitric? Was it just lying around and you thought "oh that'll do as an experiment?"

If anyone thinks I am being too harsh here then re-think what you're about to say. This isn't the time to be kind and fluffy, it's the time to drop the hammer.

It's idiotic behaviour like this that makes no sense whatsoever and give validity to people suggesting that cyanide should not be used outside a licensed refinery.

Put the cyanide away and step away from the container until you have SOME idea of what it is that you're doing.
I agree with Anachronism what you did is beyond stupid unless you have a specific reason to do so that I can’t see.
The use of cyanide comes with one warning you rarely get second chances if you mess up badly.
If you had no metals dropping from your solution then either you didn’t remove the oxidizer or you used another chemical to activate your solution which hasn’t been reduced to allow the metals to cement.
Did your Aluminium dissolve or just clump together and if it just clumped you should have removed it rinsed it well and then dissolved the Aluminium without any cyanide present.
Well i guess i will live? may be not that long...but no one here had answered my question and explain what was the brown mud that drop from cyanide after add nitric acid???
goldfever007 said:
Well i guess i will live? may be not that long...but no one here had answered my question and explain what was the brown mud that drop from cyanide after add nitric acid???

It doesn't matter what it is. Nobody else should do the same thing you did.
Main question nobody asked is how did you find out there is any gold in your ore?
If you want to know what may be the brown stuff you need to see what ore assay show what is present in that particular ore.
Can you post assay results?
goldfever007 said:
Well i guess i will live? may be not that long...but no one here had answered my question and explain what was the brown mud that drop from cyanide after add nitric acid???

I have no idea and do you know why? Because I have never been dumb enough to add Nitric acid to a cyanide solution. Especially "just to see what happens."
Look I'm cross - excuse my being cross but it's the utter lack of comprehension on your part as to why you decided on a whim to add acid to a cyanide solution that befuddles me.

You're right, a small amount of solution that's acidified is unlikely to kill you. I'll grant you that. That given the absolute lack of thought that it took to "see what it does" means that in my book, and probably many other peoples' books says you should be nowhere near the stuff.

Rant over.

Please put it away and do some learning.
The brown stuff could be anything as we have no idea what you dissolved in your supposed gold ore, if you can supply full assay results we could perhaps guess but we could well be wrong, chances are you have precipitated the cyanide with perhaps copper but not knowing the starting material who knows what you have.
Before messing with cyanide I’d advise studying the basics which you seem to ignore and go on your own riotous route, if you continue you will get little help here as you don’t want to listen to anything that is negative to your goals however wrong or dangerous it is.
Read, read again and ask questions and then read again to fully understand the chemistry before messing with potentially deadly chemicals or even worse as we have just read deadly combinations of chemicals.
I agree with the others here on the dangers of working with Cyanide. Its not something to be messed with. Neither is Mercury
Looking at your other posts in relation to Ore, the first thing I would suggest is to identify the ore properly and have an assay done.

The metal composition, form the metals are in and things like the Arsenic content and whether it is a sulfide ore or oxidised material are important in working out a recovery process.

Once you know what you have, there are some very informative posts on leaching and recovery methods as well as safety.
It is well worth the time and all the information you need is here if you look for it

Cheers Wal
Probably ferric hydroxide.

Cyanide gold compounds are very stable. Even warm aqua regia won’t bring KAu(CN)2 into solution—instead just a yellow precipitate of AuCN is made.

When I would get PGC as old bottles I would either melt it directly with a small amount of silica and borax or I’d fume it in concentrated sulfuric until it was just gold and sulfuric acid.

The latter approach was for small of a few hundred grams. The HCN could simply be scrubbed with a few wash bottles’ worth of 2M KOH.

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