Joined, read a bunch, now an introduction...

Gold Refining Forum

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Feb 7, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
If the username didn't make it obvious my name is Ted and I'm from Pittsburgh.

Two years ago I'd never have expected to be getting into precious metals, and especially not chemistry and refining - in part because I'm the son of a chemistry professor!

So I got here, in part, because my business partner and I were always hunting for deals - equipment and tools for our carpentry and restoration business. Soon we were buying stuff not because we needed it, but because we knew we could sell it with big margins. Tools, machines, bigger machines - Killer margins, low investment of capital. We bought fume hoods once for $6 a piece - The good ones (Acid resistant resin counters, resin walls, explosion-proof house lamps). I bought aerospace grade fittings by the pound, because I knew what they were - I'd seen them in the labs growing up. As other guys were breaking down shelving to scrap out they were stuff on the floor, asking politely they'd give away "that plastic sh**" as they called. I call it leaving money on the floor - we walked away pvc valves for chemical usage sold fast an cheap still worth more than steel scrap. On and on that went...

Later we saw electronics and computer cabinets full of 80's era hardware - bought it at shredder-feed rates. This time there wasn't to be a quick flip - we wanted the pins, the connectors, the custom ICs. We've been sitting on pounds of pins, pounds of fingers, a lot of material.

So here I am, I've been reading my butt off. This forum, along with reading materials available here, have already been a big help.

As far as the chemistry goes, we'll start very small, take our time and keep it safe.

Thanks to those who created and/or take part sharing their knowledge to this community.


P.S. We kept the fume hood ;)
Welcome man

When I started doing this 3 years ago I thought I knew it all, When I joined this forum a year ago I realized I knew nothing. With that said all the info you need is here and alot of realy helpful guys, now its all about the effort you put in to studying the forum and hoke

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