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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
Good day everyone,

I have processed my fair share of watch bands I have a local guy who sells them to me at a reasonable price, and occasionally I manage to get a few off ebay but most the time the price is too high. Anyhow I just processed some and mixed a few 1/5 - 1/10 award metals in with the batch. I have done this in the past also. It makes a real dirty solution for the first drop but it just needs more time to settle out.

This time I had something else drop from the solution and have never seen this before. The only thing I did different this time was I forgot to add ice to the solution and some sulfuric to get the lead out. I do however have a hard time believing this is lead. Take a look at the pictures ( the best I could do in the beaker ) and if anyone has any idea what it is or the best way to remove it. Im listening :)


Thanks in advance
No I have not made a move with it yet. I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts. But I guess the water boil cant hurt anything.

Thanx for the input.
MrCrusher said:
No I have not made a move with it yet. I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts. But I guess the water boil cant hurt anything.

Thanx for the input.

Well I guess if you knew the chemistry you'd know what it's likely to be. You might want to take the same advice you dished out to a new member.


Sorry but it is ironic that you've asked a really basic question whilst telling someone else to stop what they are doing and read more. If you understood the process you'd see that basically you answered your own query crusher.

Brits don't use the same terminology- referring to it as the refining game doesn't actually mean it's a game. 8)

I actually think its lead
..im not at home to get my quote on.. But, lead can have fern/tree like crystals, or a shiny look to it.

The smb probably converted the lead chloride to sulfite/sulfate

While I may not be a chemist, I am concerned about being grossly negligent and polluting. I guess since your from England as well you may understand him better. I would have never thought the term " Game" meant anything else. Excuse me for my ignorance.

In your replies to that post I have not seen you inform him on how to deal with his waste? That was one of his questions no? I can only guess you do not have the same concerns for the environment as others. Or is that something else I am not understanding due to the differences in terminology?

Either way I am glad England is far enough away I don't have to be too concerned it will be in my drinking water.

Thanx for the helpful reply.
Two things I would suspect, copper(I) chloride, soluble in HCl and lead sulfate, insoluble in HCl.
Any lead chloride should have been converted to sulfate so boiling in water should not have any effect if it is lead contamination.
If it is lead, redissolve the gold and filter off the led sulfate.

- If it will dissolve in water or HCl then your gold is left, problem solved.
- If it is insoluble in aqua regia (or whatever you use) then it can be filtered off from the gold chloride, problem solved.
- If it dissolves in AR, treat the solution to get rid of lead or silver chloride, filter and drop the gold, problem solved.

Ps. In my world "Game" could be used as a synonym for business. For example, Game of thrones is a deadly business and not a kids game. :wink:

If Jon answer how to deal with getting the gold out but not what implications it might have on waste treatment it doesn't imply that he pours his wastes into the drain. I'm sure Jon treats his wastes properly or he wouldn't have a license for handling electronic scrap.

I don't answer every question when I answer a post. I usually answer the questions that I feel I can contribute to and leaving the questions that other can answer better.
My time is limited and I contribute when I have time. If someone would pay me a salary then I could spend more time and be more thoroughly when answering questions.

By the way, if you use copper chloride etch on fingers then you already have nickel in solution even if you don't put stainless steel into it.


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