need help ferric chloride

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Aug 17, 2011
i am new to this web site i really like it . Its my first time. i put gold plated pins from computers in a ferric chloride solution i also add little bit h2O2 in it. after a day i am really happy to see a tiny gold particles in the solution but i don't know what to do next , can some body help me i really appreciate that.
i read other methods too but like ferric chloride because it is safe and it is easy to get .
i want to know following things
1===the particles which i seen in a solution are they all are silver and gold or some other metal in it too.
2===does ferric chloride only dissolved copper or it can dissolve other metals too.
3===how can i obtain gold from solution

Ferric chloride is partially depleted Hydrochloric acid.

It's not near as active on copper as HCL and peroxide. Often referred to as "AP" or "acid peroxide" here on the forum. Search for the extensive posts on the subject.

Lazersteve has worked with ferric chloride perhaps he will advise you on your project.
what u think if i filtered it and then use AP on the left over dirt which would be gold , silver and copper would it help . Right now it look like mud with different shiny particles in it,
i really appreciate your help
I would say that filter, test filtered liquid with stannous. Use fresh HCl, most of your mud will be copper anyway.
i successfully made auric chloride with the help of clorex which is yellow color . now when i added SMB my solution is not very clean it look like lite brown color it did change the color which was yellow at the beginning. Can u tell me where i did mistake the SMB i bought from hardware store on it label it says stump out (white powder) some body told me its sodium meta bisulfite which is for SMB . Actually i poured a lot SMB on the bottom of my flask its dark particles which is i believe gold and lot of SMB white color mix with gold . Can u tell me plz how can i get ride of SMB now,

youn said:
i successfully made auric chloride with the help of clorex which is yellow color . now when i added SMB my solution is not very clean it look like lite brown color it did change the color which was yellow at the beginning. Can u tell me where i did mistake the SMB i bought from hardware store on it label it says stump out (white powder) some body told me its sodium meta bisulfite which is for SMB . Actually i poured a lot SMB on the bottom of my flask its dark particles which is i believe gold and lot of SMB white color mix with gold . Can u tell me plz how can i get ride of SMB now,


What does your stannous chloride test reveal?
youn wrote:
i successfully made auric chloride with the help of clorex which is yellow color . now when i added SMB my solution is not very clean it look like lite brown color it did change the color which was yellow at the beginning. Can u tell me where i did mistake the SMB i bought from hardware store on it label it says stump out (white powder) some body told me its sodium meta bisulfite which is for SMB . Actually i poured a lot SMB on the bottom of my flask its dark particles which is i believe gold and lot of SMB white color mix with gold . Can u tell me plz how can i get ride of SMB now,


Youn, if you had gold in your yellow solution & you added SMB & now you have some brown sediment, is most likely you have precipitated gold.
If you still had clorox left in your solution, all the gold probably didn't precipitate. You must first get rid of the clorox before a succesful precipiate.
Like qst42know asked, "did you do a stannous test"?, this will reveal if there's still more gold left in solution, or, if solution is already barren of gold. You always have to stannous test your solutions.
What is the source of your gold? The answer can give us an idea of what the white powder could be.
If you had silver in your solution, it could be ag/cl. If it was, you should have filter the solution first. (Always filter your solution before precipitating.) It could also be excess SMB or even salt crystals.
With gold already precipitated, I would heat a bit the solution until crystals disappear, then filter, & proceed to rinse your gold. But, if the crystals don't dissolve, you would need to redissolve your gold; then filter the sediment left after dissolving the gold & pricipitate your gold again from your clear solution.
I hope this helps.
Take care,

thanks phil
i have one more question about the bonide product stump out , is it 100% sodium meta bi sulfide (SMB) .
its ok to use stump out its white powder in auric chloride which is yellow color solution to bring out gold .

you guys really helpful

thanks again

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