Need help with 2 types of solutions after 2 different methods

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New member
Nov 15, 2017
Hello All! I am a new member, however this forum was very important to my month long reading/research before doing actual processes.
Background: was given a sack of Sim cards a year ago or so- only a couple months ago I decided not to throw them away and to start researching/reading up on gold recovery. So I am currently working with Sim cards only. I understand the yield isn't much from the sims but am willing to experiment on them before going into more heavy gold bearing items or items where I actually buy to process.

My first test last week was about 50 grams of sims, 200ml of HCl, 10ml of distilled water and 20ml of nitric acid. Learned then that too much nitric was used as no gold precipitated from SMB. I then heated the beaker and precipitation of gold was successful. However my Test 2 was somewhat different (was careful on adding nitric so as not to use to much).........

From my Notes:
Test 2 on 16 Nov 2017, 8:45pm

150grams of Sim cards

HCl = 250ml
Distilled H20 = 50ml
HNO3 = 10ml added at 8:45pm
10ml added at 9:10 pm
HCl = 10ml added at 9:20 pm
HNO3 = 6ml added at 9:20 pm
Left the solution for 24 hours. Not all the gold dissolved in the solution. Filtered the AR solution into a funnel and transferred into a 1L beaker. Solution color = very dark green

The photo below is after adding around 300-350ml of distilled water in hopes to dilute the solution to lighter green. However the solution just filled and is still very dark green.

Beaker 1.jpg

Photo below is against the light in my fume hood showing that the solution is green and not black.

Beaker 1_2.jpg

I am not quite sure how to proceed from here. Further research regarding this issue didn't come up with much, however there was a thread stating that the dark color could be results in using up the oxygen in the solution- but the thread was on HCl and H2O2, not sure if it applies to this AR solution. Any help and/or suggestion would help. Thank you all ahead.

My second solution on a different process is as goes:
This is the second leach from the original 150g sims from Test 2

From notes:
Test 3 on 17 Nov 2017 9:00 pm

150g of sim cards from Test 2

HCL = 400ml
H2O = 50ml
Solution heated on low
HNO3 = 6ml added at 9:15 pm
3ml added at 9:20 pm
2ml added at 9:40 pm
9:50 pm taken off heat to leave for 24 hours.

18 Nov 2017 at 9:00 pm. Gold has been dissolved. Solution is light green but smokey.
Tried the smokey solution on a fresh sim = no reaction on fresh sim, gold is intact on sim. = Possible no nitric in solution.
Filtered solution into funnel.
Washed the sims with distilled water, added the washed sim water ( very light green) to funnel as well = water and solution seem to be separating, Like water and oil with the green solution settling at the bottom and the water at the top.
Stirred the solution and the mix turns lime green.
The photo below is after 350-400ml of distilled water has been added to solution in hopes to dilute. But only filled the funnel and solution is still lime green.

Beaker 2_2.jpg

Photo below is against the light.

Beaker 2.jpg

Like with my other solution, not sure where to go from here. I haven't seen a thread with this type of outcome. My conclusion at the time was not to heat up the sim cards again as it produced a yellowy sticky substance which was hard to remove when cleaning the beaker (no photos).

***Please note that description from Notes, some are thoughts at the time. I am documenting each step I take. Thank you all ahead. Looking forward to your suggestions and hopefully light on how I proceed.
I didn't see any mention of testing your solutions with stannous chloride. Without testing, you don't know if you have gold in your solutions. My suggestion is to research the making and use of stannous chloride before you do anything else.

Im not sure 50g of sim cards is even going to give you any visible gold to recover.

After precipitation (or cementation) a couple days of settling, then with light stirring to swirl the powder in the middle of the beaker, it may be possible to see it.

If doing test runs of escrap for getting acquainted, stick to pound or kilo lot sizes to gain familiarity, and have easy math for yield figuring..and something to see..
How did you prep the sim cards? Did you add them whole to your AR? It just seems there is a lot of copper in your solution.
Shark said:
How did you prep the sim cards? Did you add them whole to your AR? It just seems there is a lot of copper in your solution.

I was thinking the same thing.
@ FungalRefiner: Sorry, I have created the stannous chloride with some solder and HCl, using solder for now as I am waiting for tin shot from the States. Don't know why its hard to get a hold of tin shot here. Anyways, I have tested both solutions and have tested positive, more so on the dark green solution than in the lime green solution.

@topher_osAUrus: On my first test, after heating of the solution it did bring out VERY LITTLE gold. Was just a test run to familiarize myself with the chemicals/reactions ect... I was happy when it precipitated. Thanks on the suggestion on greater loads to process, am currently looking for more items, different items to process but for now my test runs are on these sim cards. My second and third test of the 150 grams gave me 2 different solutions to which I am confused on how to proceed.

@Shark: As for prep work, light cleaning of the sims, not much really. I did add them whole in the AR solution.

Thanks guys for taking time to reply. I will be visiting the 2 solutions later tonight to see what has happened, I have left them in the fume hood since Sunday. Will put both solutions in low heat to see if there are any reactions and some SMB to see what happens. Will update later tonight.
Frugal has it right.

Gold or not and if you can't test then you're wasting your time.

Robert get some tinned solder and dissolve it in HCl don't waste your time waiting for tin shot.
Robert, I'm glad to hear you're testing. Many new members don't appreciate the importance.

What you have are dirty solutions, or what some may refer to as a mess. I don't mean to offend you with that term, but if you search that term you'll find you have a lot of company from others who've been in your situation. By going straight to AR, you've dissolved a lot of base metals along with the gold. The most foolproof way to recover is to add a large piece of copper to the solution to "cement" the gold out. As the copper dissolves, gold will precipitate. Then you can refine the precipitated gold a second time to get a much more pure product.

Welcome to the forum. I always recommend the Tips for Navigating and Posting on the Forum thread to new members. Be sure to follow the link to lazersteve's Guided Tour to the forum.

@anachronism: I understood this during my reading/researching it was my very first process in going into gold recovery. Oct 28 2017 was my first batch with 2g Solder with SN and 30ml HCl at 29%, however this did not work. Upon further research, created another batch on Oct 31 2017 of 15g Solder with SN with 30ml HCl. Worked nicely upon testing with a gold ring I had lying around. :D

@Dave: Thank you for your reply. Testing was one of my first concerns, I had to make sure I had the Stannous Chloride solution first before doing anything as without it I would be processing blind, not much progress when you throw darts in the dark :wink:

No, please, do not worry about my feelings, I am not one who is easily offended, thanks for the feedback. Will be going out later to get some copper. Will update you guys with my progress.

Thanks for the welcome and for the link :)

You all have a good evening!
RobertL said:
As for prep work, light cleaning of the sims, not much really. I did add them whole in the AR solution.

RobertL, much of the gold in those Sims is in the form of tiny gold bond wires that connect the silicon die to the gold plated contact pads. The bond wires are encapsulated in epoxy under the pads and need to be incinerated, washed, and concentrated before going to AR.
@UncleBenBen: Thank you for your suggestion, I still have a lot of the sims sitting, waiting to be processed. Will be trying your method of incineration, washing and concentrated- by this I take it you want the sims to be free from water or any cleaning agent used. Will try this over the weekend. Thank you for your help.
By 'Incinerating - washing - concentrating' he means to follow the fairly standard procedure that is used for ICs. You pyrolize the sims, then incinerate them, then pulverize them until all the powder will go through a 60ish mesh sieve. Then you wash the ash out. Then you concentrate the metals using a blue-bowl or sluice box.

There are a few good threads and a few good youtube videos that explain the process. Essentially you are trying to get to the very fine bonding wires that connect the electronic circuit to the contacts.
RobertL, yes, just as Kernels expanded on. Here is Patnor's thread on processing black epoxy IC chips. Read the entire thread several times. I still go back and read through it occasionally. It has some of the best information about processing your material that you will find.

Good luck, and be safe!

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