New magic formula?

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Active member
Sep 24, 2012

Has anyone seen or buy this? It looks interesting, but but but...
I would have to say any chemical that can strip gold has got to be fairly aggressive and or dangerous and I don't think I'd be putting my hands in it without chemical resistant gloves.
Cyanide will strip gold plating in seconds but I'd be loathe to suggest its use to people as there are no second chances with it, there is also thiosulphate but I'm not too sure how sucessful that is in recovering gold from plated material, to put it politely if it isn't promoted or heavily discussed here on the forum It's probably rubbish.
Hopefully it's not a violation of forum rules to simply say BS BS BS BS BS if I don't actually spell it out.....
I found this today. I want to know if I should spend the money or not. I am not the author of the video.
So you're asking if you should spend your money on some magic beans?

No, not unless you just like to throw your money away. Which in that case throw it my way. 8)
Well I'd try and find some proper information before instantly assuming it's the devil's work. It may well be but there's no harm in actually finding out. That's what an informed decision is about rather than dismissing it out of hand.

If it's rubbish then heck yes then can it. Remember that people used to think that travelling at over 30mph would blow your lungs out.

New doesn't always mean wrong.
I do remember a thread some time ago where one of us made an electrolysis tower that seemed to be very promising.
As a thio sulphate soap is common and safe I suggest this is thio sulphate process.
The liquid movements suggest strong stirring. I assume also air bubbling and heating

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