New way of doing Gold filled??

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2013
yakima, washington
I wanted to share something i tried for doing some gold filled. i brought 600ml of AR to a boil and i added in 200 grams of low yield gold filled 100 grams at a time. The dissolving of the first 100 grams of gold filled happened in about 10 min, the second 100 grams took a little longer at about 15 min. i cooled with ice, filtered and precipitated . After washes i ended up with right under eight grams of .99 Gold.(checked with XRF) . more then i expected with that type of gold filled. Can i get some feedback on this process? is it acceptable? What are the flaws in doing it this way? seemed to work well.

When you say 600ml of AR what does that mean?
400ml of HCl and 200ml of nitric?
Or 550ml of HCl and 50ml of nitric?
Just wanted to see what you used. I have some gold filled coming my way.

I'm guessing a lot more towards the 200ml of nitric to eat all that copper.
What was your base metal on the GF?
kmann1969 said:
I wanted to share something i tried for doing some gold filled. i brought 600ml of AR to a boil and i added in 200 grams of low yield gold filled 100 grams at a time. The dissolving of the first 100 grams of gold filled happened in about 10 min, the second 100 grams took a little longer at about 15 min. i cooled with ice, filtered and precipitated . After washes i ended up with right under eight grams of .99 Gold.(checked with XRF) . more then i expected with that type of gold filled. Can i get some feedback on this process? is it acceptable? What are the flaws in doing it this way? seemed to work well.

It's not a new way. Plenty of people have dumped their scrap into a pot of AR, dissolved it all, then precipitated gold. It's just more wasteful.

You would be better served by selectively dissolving the base metals and eliminating them first. Then dissolve the gold. The cleaner solution will yield purer gold with fewer problems. You'll use fewer chemicals and end up with less toxic waste.

it was 200 ml nitric 400 ml hcl. not sure it was the best way but it yielded more then i anticipated. it was much faster to. The base metals were a mix of stainless and other base metals. Try some the 50/50 way then try this to see if it yields the same or more or less.
I don't think yield would have much to do with it. it's just a different way, one that many people use for ceramic cpu's. just eliminates the nitric wash. using up the nitric would be the hard part. you might have gotten lucky with that unless you had calculated how much acid would be used up assuming you know the base metal.
So I assume it was 1/10 10k scrap? Possibly watch cases? That's a high yield for 200 grams.
What was left in the residues? I have been doing gold filled for quiet awhile and have never finished a process in 25 total minutes. It takes that much time to do pure gold powder in ar. Doing gold filled with base metals, silver, and especially stainless in that amount of time is impossible. You might have finished in 25 minutes but if you did you missed some gold. Then you don't heat the ar to boiling before you add the materials.
it was low yield gold filled, no watch cases, some gf jewelery,pins . A mix of 1/10 ,1/20. there was a little base metal material left afterword's. After everything seemed dissolved I used sulfamic acid to kill the nitric. The solution was extremely dark, just about black after I used ice to cool it so I could precipitate. The next day after I decanted I did notice the powder at the bottom that would normally be brown was black, not until I boiled with water then hcl did it turn into the normal brown color. Im going to repeat the process on another low yield gf batch to see if I can achieve a similar yield, I will let you know how it turns out.
Pray you don't encounter any tin in your process or you will wish you had used the tried and proved methods which we promote for assured success, then again you will get a good education on dealing with one of the most common problem metals likely to turn up.
kmann1969 said:
it was low yield gold filled, no watch cases, some gf jewelery,pins . A mix of 1/10 ,1/20. there was a little base metal material left afterword's. After everything seemed dissolved I used sulfamic acid to kill the nitric. The solution was extremely dark, just about black after I used ice to cool it so I could precipitate. The next day after I decanted I did notice the powder at the bottom that would normally be brown was black, not until I boiled with water then hcl did it turn into the normal brown color. Im going to repeat the process on another low yield gf batch to see if I can achieve a similar yield, I will let you know how it turns out.

Now I'm confused. 8 grams yield seems about right for the 200 grams of 1/10 10k unless there was a combination of 1/20-1/10 12k and 14k. But maybe there could have been gold solder or even a piece of high karat gold somewhere in there. I've done a bunch of GF and don't remember ever getting that much gold out of 200 grams. Any pictures?
I'm thinking the same. You had a piece of solid 10k or 14k in the pile. Our processes never give us more gold then we should have. Always a little less, or more less depending on your skill.
Very possible there was a bit of karat gold in the mix, ive since tried to repeat process with about a third less of what i got last time. Im probably done with experimenting this way. Im going to go back to the proven way. But it was a fun experiment. thanks for all the input.
I have done gold filled with ar, but you can only do a small amount and usually its for testing purposes.

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