I'm a complete newbie to precious metals. My spouse has taken it into his head to make colloidal silver and has bought silver rods from eBay UK, accompanied by a "Certificate of Purity. These Silver Rods supplied by DadsHealthShop are Guaranteed to be Fine Silver at 99.99% and supplied by a Leading UK based Gold and Silver Foundry established in 1845. Cert No. 462257". If you're interested to see the listing, here's a shortened link provided by Tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/ncz6la7 The listing does not disclose the foundry's name, and I have tried googling for it without success.
I'm not particularly concerned in case the purity is not as claimed and consequently my spouse puts heavy metals into his body. What does concern me however is that the certificate is a piece of B.L.S..T. The wording is "these rods...are guaranteed" i.e. in the passive mood, so who guarantees them? The unnamed foundry, DadsHealthShop, or the Man in the Moon? I would like to take this up with my local Trading Standards but they are probably as much "newbies" to precious metals as I am, so I need to know what to tell them. Is this Certificate just a practical joke or what? In order to guarantee the purity of these rods, what would be required? Any help as to what I should say will be appreciated.
I'm not particularly concerned in case the purity is not as claimed and consequently my spouse puts heavy metals into his body. What does concern me however is that the certificate is a piece of B.L.S..T. The wording is "these rods...are guaranteed" i.e. in the passive mood, so who guarantees them? The unnamed foundry, DadsHealthShop, or the Man in the Moon? I would like to take this up with my local Trading Standards but they are probably as much "newbies" to precious metals as I am, so I need to know what to tell them. Is this Certificate just a practical joke or what? In order to guarantee the purity of these rods, what would be required? Any help as to what I should say will be appreciated.