welcome to the forum, writing in all capital letters is bad manners, spelling is important as well as following forum rules, reading them will help you get along better here on the forum.
The forum has expectations of members, with the privilege of sharing in such valuables, following the rules you will make many friends here who can assist you in your study, and your quest to learn to become a refiner of precious metals, people who choose not to follow the rules do not last long here as members, but apparently they do not understand the worth of the education, and friendship, this forum has to offer.
Following the advise posted will put you on the road to getting a gold button in your melting dish.
Recovery and refining gold and precious metals is a skill and art that takes an awful lot of study and learning, this is not something that you will learn quickly, it takes time to understand the principles and the science involved, actually this is a field of expertise that you can spend a lifetime studying and never know everything there is to learn, beginning with the excellent advice of Dave the FrugalRefiner, will be a very good start, to get you up and running on this journey of learning to be a gold refiner.
My advice do not jump into the chemicals until you spend some serious time studying, that way you will not learn by loosing all of your gold, do not rush out and start buying supplies and scrap until you get a good understanding of what you actually need and should pay, start with the experiments in Hoke's book to get acquainted, and maybe a less difficult material like close clipped memory fingers, use the search function to help find information.
Most important do not neglect studying the safety, and dealing with waste, a few grams of gold is worthless to someone who poisons himself or others, a blind man will not be able to enjoy the shine of gold.
welcome and good luck