Nitric Acid 53%, Hydrochloric Acid 30%

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Mar 29, 2011
Hello guys, I'm new! ^^

I started gathering metals from scrap, like selected by
My first question, if I get enough scraps and shall start the chemical work, 53% nitric acid and 30% hydroclorid acid well enough to do anything in chemical works?? Or I need better quality?
I want to clarify every theory in my mind. =)

Luck be with you guys

Welcome to the forum and to the refining world.

The concentration of you acids sounds OK, though concentrated nitric acid usually sold at 68-72%.

53% will works just fine, and only need less dilution to reduce the conc' to around 35% which is usually what we work with.
You would wanna check that your acids are at technical grade or chemically pure (CP).

What type of materials are you gathering ?
Hi Sam and everybody!

I known about nitric acid only is in 25liters package and about hydroclorid acid is for industrial. Like chemically pure?
Dilution the nitric acid with destillated water, am I right? What dilution need those metals? Like nitric acid to silver, and aqua regalia to gold.

I put a pictures, sorry for bad quality actually with phone =)


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Hello tibiqe

Stick around, you'll find you don't need nitric for the types of scrap you have. Study the different processes for each type and keep saving.

Just so you know there aren't any precious metals in the electrolytic capacitors in your photo.
Hi qst42know, thanks your post.

The capacitors I do not want to throw away to trash bin (it's holds aluminium). I do not want to experiment with it. One move to the trash bin, and one move to a packet too :) then I choosed the packet right.
I'm interested firstly in silver and gold. Like silver first

I get back to the topic, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, (then aqua regalia too). We need to know about acids, it's a dangerous I'm 'ight and you too keep saving.
Nitric acid is well enough to silver (keep the gold and platinum metals), aqua regalia dissolves gold and platinum metals. Or I got failed? ^^ What do you mean I do not need nitric acid for those scraps?

Luck be with you
Hello tibiqe

Stick around, you'll find you don't need nitric for the types of scrap you have. Study the different processes for each type and keep saving.


Tibiqe, you will need a lot of reading before you can begin, save up the scrap and hit the books, first one HOKE's book, this will give you the best all around education on the precious metal refining, also Laser Steves web site will walk you through electronic scrap, the forum is just loaded with details of these procedures, must read is the safety section and waste disposal, you have very little scrap and will most likely loose that tiny bit in mistakes without reading, yes you may think that reading is not for you learn by doing, but reading will teach you what you are doing and how to do it the right way, you will see the processes used and understand how to use them.

gold has a way of making people crazy, they think it is easy to get and forget to see things as they really are, be cautious of gold fever it has destroyed many a man.

When you get more scrap and some education under your belt you can use that scrap to do experiments you will learn here.

Hard work, many many hours of study and you will then show us a tiny button of gold you melted for all of your hard gained education.
Sadly there is precious little gold in the amounts of scrap you photographed. With the exception of the aluminum capacitors you have the right pieces but the amounts of each don't amount to anything. You need pounds of each type of item to begin processing. And each item requires a slightly different process to maximize your recovery.

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