Nutralizing nitric acid

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
Can u give me a detailed explanation about nutralizing nitric acid without using urea?
Also how to remove excess nitric from the solution before precipitating since urea doesnt remove excess nitric
Jim is correct. If you don't use too much nitric, you don't have to deNOx (not neutralize) your solutions.

But if you do overdose, you can:

evaporate to a syrup, then add a small amount of HCl. Repeat as many times as needed until no further red/brown fumes evolve when the HCL is added;

or, add a button of refined gold to consume the excess nitric in AR. For accountability, weigh the button before adding it, and after, and subtract the difference from the final weight of your refined gold;

or, add sulfamic acid which will destroy excess nitric and create some sulfuric acid which will precipitate any lead that might be in solution.


Are you still trying to figure out how to get your gold back from the problem you have in your other thread ?

This thread :arrow: White crystals all around aqua regia

If so - STOP what you are doing & answer the questions I asked in that thread

In particular the questions I asked about doing a stannous chloride test of your solution

with out that stannous test --- we do not know where your gold is --- if you &/or we do not know where your gold is you &/or we are doing nothing but chasing a guessing game --- chasing a guessing game will do nothing other then cause more problems --- so ----

Have you done a stannous test ????

If you have done a stannous test --- what are the results ????

If you have not done a stannous test --- &/or don't know how to do that --- tell us & we will help you how to do that !!!!

We CAN NOT help you if we don't know where your gold is !!!! ---- in other word your gold may not be in solution any more --- AND we need to know that !!!!


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