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Supporting Member
Dec 4, 2010
I am dealing with a small amount of gold I am refining from mining. It is very pure. I have had a reaction that puzzles me.
After adding SMB, the liquid turned black, then brown, then light brown, then 14 hours later to a pale lime green.
Something made these colors.
Does anyone have any input? :?:
Why couldn't this be continued in your other thread?
I hope we are not going to see new threads for each bump.

Two things bother me. One you said mining, the other one was pure. What form was the gold in? Nugget, flake, salt? Did you do any pretreatments to remove any contaminates or just dissolve the gold and try to precipitate? How did you know the purity before you started?

I just added another reply to your other thread on this.

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jimdoc said:
Why couldn't this be continued in your other thread?
I hope we are not going to see new threads for each bump.

Lost my thread . Don't know why. Have never started a new thread before. I understand the necessity of keeping posts clean.
Palladium said:
Two things bother me. One you said mining, the other one was pure. What form was the gold in? Nugget, flake, salt? Did you do any pretreatments to remove any contaminates or just dissolve the gold and try to precipitate? How did you know the purity before you started?
The gold is in crushed quartz. I treated first with an hcl bath to remove some iron but mainly to free any gold from the iron. Then several water washes. Then a nitric bath to remove other base metals. Then water washes. Then A/R.
INDY864 said:
The gold is in crushed quartz. I treated first with an hcl bath to remove some iron but mainly to free any gold from the iron. Then several water washes. Then a nitric bath to remove other base metals. Then water washes. Then A/R.

Did you incinerate between acid washes? No amount of water washes will completely remove the HCl, as a result of which you will have dissolved values when you started the Nitric washes.
after the nitric bath, did you toss your wash water? heres one problem i can see. when you add nitric acid to your material after you put it in hcl acid you lost some gold. you cant wash hcl acid from material but you can remove it with incineration. going from one acid to another will cause AR formation if you dont incinerate between additions. if you tossed the wash water you may have tossed some of your gold with it.
Geo said:
after the nitric bath, did you toss your wash water? heres one problem i can see. when you add nitric acid to your material after you put it in hcl acid you lost some gold. you cant wash hcl acid from material but you can remove it with incineration. going from one acid to another will cause AR formation if you dont incinerate between additions. if you tossed the wash water you may have tossed some of your gold with it.
Reluctantly, I got it! :cry: :shock:
I will try again.

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