palladium plating solution

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
As i have lots of pd--i am looking for a formulation of pd plating solution-- i produce rh plating solution---i heard that one uses pdcl +`naoh-----if someone could give me the correct formulation , i would be glad---i know that the plating solution have 0,5 grams of pd in the form of pdcl2-------thanks in advance to all,
Arthur Kierski
Hello, Arthur
I found this recipe in an old book. It was not tested by me but I hope to help you.

6gr/l Palladium(II) chloride PdCl2
160gr/l Disodium phosphate Na2HPO4. nH2O
40gr/l Diammonium phosphate (NH4)2HPO4
2.8gr/l Benzoic acid C6H5COOH
Thanks Rucito,i will look at this formulatio----My first doubt is 6grams Pdcl2 per litre---i think it might be,6grams of pd sponge dissolved to form pdcl2------and complete with distiled water to a litre----and the other products dissolved in this same litre------thanks very much for your clue----
Arthur Kierski
No Arthur - Palladium Chloride Crystals (red) is written.
First mix the ingredients with water. A reaction begins and the solution color, from red, should become yellow.
Metal palladium is used for anode.
Hello Arthur!

Once someone told me to just dissolve the Pd(NH3)2Cl2 complex in ammonia (yellow palladium salt/ not Pd-DMG).
Sadly he didn't remember how much ammonia was used.
thanks rucito and golda nd silver123------as i have too much work at the moment---i decided to postpone palladium plating solutions for the present moment---i will keep the information given to me by you two,for future reference-----thanks for the moment
Arthur Kierski
Hi Ruscito,
Good Afternoon,
I refine gold at our company everyday. We get customer rejections, Internal process rejections etc, which are plated with Rhodium. Hence I have collected around 400-500 grams of Refined pure Rhodium this way & it is in powder form.
I would like to make it into Rhodium plating solution again for replating.. Can you guide me as to how to make the plating solution in detail please...
Kindly explain me step by step that i can do it carefully in order to avoid mistakes..
Awaiting for your reply......
Warm Regards,
Prakash V Pai

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