As I was sitting cutting the small pins from a board and I had an idea. This may have been posted before but heres my idea. I have a lead melting pot for making sinkers with a sprue so I cut the boards on the bandsaw and then set the pot to just barely drip the lead on the back of the strips of board to make full contact with all of the pins. Then took them to the sulphuric cell clipped the positive lead to the fresh lead, gentley lowered the pins only into the cell and watched the meter on the charger it went to six amps then back to zero. After a quick rince in distilled water I found all AU removed from pins. To recover the lead a small propane torch quickly flows the lead back into the melting pot, if any pins fall into the pot they float and are skimmed of with the dross. This does away with chasing the pins that I kept having fly around and not into the catch box. NOTE; lead must just drip or the pins will desolder and drop from the board.