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Sep 2, 2023
I started my refining gold process, from computer parts. I went through the first step with the hydrochloric acid and the hydrogen peroxide and then filtered it out. I then put some of the filters in the fire and burnt them so I had gold plates and ashes, and then I had some more filters that I did not burn. I'll put them all in a solution with hydrochloric acid then added nitric acid and some heat. I'm not getting a reaction though, what do I do?
I started my refining gold process, from computer parts. I went through the first step with the hydrochloric acid and the hydrogen peroxide and then filtered it out. I then put some of the filters in the fire and burnt them so I had gold plates and ashes, and then I had some more filters that I did not burn. I'll put them all in a solution with hydrochloric acid then added nitric acid and some heat. I'm not getting a reaction though, what do I do?
Welcome to us.
There was no need to burn the filters and actually not much need of filtering at all.
You wash off the foils and then siphon off the liquids.
Then you dissolve the Gold in your preferred method.
Avoid the Nitric if you can.

Here is for your studies.

1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: Screen Readable Copy of Hoke's Book
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: Safety
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: Dealing with Waste

Suggested reading: The Library
I started my refining gold process, from computer parts. I went through the first step with the hydrochloric acid and the hydrogen peroxide and then filtered it out.
What kind of computer parts? I ask because the HCl and peroxide process is usually only used on "fingers", the edge connectors from add-in cards and memory. Were there other parts?
I then put some of the filters in the fire and burnt them so I had gold plates and ashes, and then I had some more filters that I did not burn.
Some of the filters? How many filters did you use? How much material did you start with? And, again, what type of material? You say you ended up with "gold plates" and ashes. What do you mean by gold plates?
I'll put them all in a solution with hydrochloric acid then added nitric acid and some heat. I'm not getting a reaction though, what do I do?
No reaction at all? How long have you allowed the material to react? Can you post a picture of what you have right now?

What kind of computer parts? I ask because the HCl and peroxide process is usually only used on "fingers", the edge connectors from add-in cards and memory. Were there other parts?

Some of the filters? How many filters did you use? How much material did you start with? And, again, what type of material? You say you ended up with "gold plates" and ashes. What do you mean by gold plates?

No reaction at all? How long have you allowed the material to react? Can you post a picture of what you have right now?

Yes, it was gold fingers. I will very openly admit that I was not fully prepared for this. I should have waited. I used too many filters and wasn't confident in my process. It's mildly reacting. It's a swampy green color at the moment. I only have a small amount of nitric acid left to use. What do I do?!?!
Hello & Welcome
Do you have any pictures of what you have in your beaker/s, or maybe on the computer parts? I’m new here, so I am not the right person to give you a detailed instruction. But some advice: 🙂
The more detailed facts (and preferably with pictures) you give the professionals here on the forum, the easier it will be for them (the professionals) to try to help you back on the right path, so that you can later continue the process yourself. But first study what you got from Yggdrasil.

Safety is most important. And for example, Hoke's material is both very instructive and written in a way that even I almost understand. Good luck, wear protective gear and have fun /Dennis
Yes, it was gold fingers. I will very openly admit that I was not fully prepared for this. I should have waited. I used too many filters and wasn't confident in my process. It's mildly reacting. It's a swampy green color at the moment. I only have a small amount of nitric acid left to use. What do I do?!?!
Stop and study.
How much RAM fingers are we talking here? Kilo's, hundreds? a few?

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