Poormans nitric ???

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Mar 22, 2010
I was wondering if lawn fertilizer would work it's 16-0-4 Or does it have to be pure?

I'm just not sure if the potassium would interfer in the poormans process. Just want to be extra sure before mixing anything like this together.

How about using that in the cold process of making nitric. I buy the pure stuff, but nitric can be made from potassium nitrate, it just takes a little more of the salt to fully nitrate. I use Sodium nitrate and the hot distillation process. I have a few discussions of it here on the forum, so do a search for my user name and you will find some of the threads. The guys here are super helpful. I would think that the fertilizer can put in water, dissolving the Potassium nitrate, then filtered leaving the salt in solution. Can you post a picture of what fertilizer you plan to use. I would like to see the actual granuals if possible. Along with the brand and packaging. I do a search of the Brand plus MSDS on google, and can usually find a good description of its chemical content.
I will post a pic tomorrow, of both the bag and contents.

And thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
here's the fert bag


this is the fert's.

would this work for the cold method,??

Sorry for the late reply. I agree. Iron content will mess you up. I found that Hi-Yield brand sells the good stuff. I havent searched locally for it. The price is great if you can go pick it up, otherwise shipping gets pricey. If you can find it locally I would go for that. If not, I ebay it and dudadiesel has some great prices w/ shipping. 10 lbs for 30 bucks.

here is a picture i found of the hi yield

Pure potassium nitate fertilizer should have a NPK (nitrogen,phosphorous,potassium) of 13-0-44. Try finding it at a farmer's co-op. Around here it comes in 50lb bags for about $60.
I live in Ontario, i'm having a problem finding pure nitrate of any kind.

I'm making a list of pharmacies to check for saltpeter, and instant ice packs.

Could i use a high nitrate fert, like scotts 30-0-4?? or do these ferts have to much contaminates to be useful.

I know this will sound crazy, but, could one not just sort the white nitrogen pellets from the ferts and use them in the cold process? or do these contain to much misc. junk to be of use.

Still looking in Ont.

Thanks everyone for the info.
Crockett said:
I know this will sound crazy, but, could one not just sort the white nitrogen pellets from the ferts and use them in the cold process?
You may end up picking out urea.Urea is a huge component in fertilizers,and looks exactly like potassium/sodium nitrate.In processing it is used to neutralize nitrates.......the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish.
Hey Crockett I get potasium nitrate here. They could not sell sodium nitrate. They are in Woodbridge. They have a walk in service.

chefjosh77 said:
This is the MSDS on it. Looks like its pretty pure, unless I read it wrong. Take a look and let us know.
Hi Josh.Look at the back of the bag,it will say "Total Nitrogen(N)................16%"
It also contains calcium carbonate.
Here is the gentleman I have been buying from
His name is Gary Martin,and he also has some chemicals that are not listed.He always gives me a good deal outside of ebay.His email address is [email protected] and he ships superfast.You guys know if I recommend him,he is good.
Found Saltpeter and ammonium nitrate at local Shoppers Drug.

Saltpeter is at the pharmacy, talk to the Pharmasist and he can get it in 125 g bottles, at a cost of $6-$7.

then i toured on over to the first aid section.

for $9 i picked up a box of these to check out.


the bag is marked ammonium nitrate


these 2 packs contained 10.5 oz of ammonium nitrate


Thanks everyone for helping.
Hope this will help a few of the Canadian folk who are having problems, finding Nitrate locally, in small towns.
Crockett said:
Found Saltpeter and ammonium nitrate at local Shoppers Drug.

Saltpeter is at the pharmacy, talk to the Pharmasist and he can get it in 125 g bottles, at a cost of $6-$7.

then i toured on over to the first aid section.

for $9 i picked up a box of these to check out.


the bag is marked ammonium nitrate


these 2 packs contained 10.5 oz of ammonium nitrate


Thanks everyone for helping.
Hope this will help a few of the Canadian folk who are having problems, finding Nitrate locally, in small towns.

$21.00 per lb., OUCH
mic said:
chefjosh77 said:
This is the MSDS on it. Looks like its pretty pure, unless I read it wrong. Take a look and let us know.
Hi Josh.Look at the back of the bag,it will say "Total Nitrogen(N)................16%"
It also contains calcium carbonate.
Here is the gentleman I have been buying from
His name is Gary Martin,and he also has some chemicals that are not listed.He always gives me a good deal outside of ebay.His email address is [email protected] and he ships superfast.You guys know if I recommend him,he is good.

I don't see the calcium carbonate contents, It says 100 percent of Sodium nitrate. This is the same stuff listed in that auction. 16 percent nitrogen is talking about the nitrogen content in the Sodium nitrate. The auction isn't too bad though, decent prices if its unavailable.

I'll run a batch and compare the "pure" Sodium nitrate and the Hi-Yield stuff. I bought a 4lb bag today at Ace for 7 bucks to run tests on. Ill let you all know when I get back from the lab.

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