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New member
May 18, 2011
I'm new to refining , and I just had a quick question.

Will your Aqua Regia solution still turn a muddy brown color and bubble with the addition of the precipitant if there is no gold content in the metals you dissolved?
You should always get into the good habit of testing your solution with stannous chloride solution to make sure there is gold in there first, before wasting more chemicals.

There was a time when I would have said no to your question but my experience always involved dropping solutions with gold in them. Generally the brown comes from the precipitated gold. however the guys on this forum dissolve so many diverse things that some unexpected elements may be present to fool you.

Which prompts the question.......what did you start with?

If you followed the guidance offered here you would have removed your base metals first making the process simpler and much more predictable. Which is why it is wise to proceed that way, especially when starting out.
I can honestly say I'm getting very tired of repeated questions about the content of solutions. Don't any of you guys use stannous chloride?

I can't think of one reason why the question posed above needed to be asked. Hoke discusses testing in fine detail. If you don't have enough time to learn proper testing procedures and know how to identify the materials you have in solution, what makes you, or anyone, think I'm willing to spend valuable time helping when nothing is learned?

If you don't know how to identify what you have in solution, you shouldn't be attempting to refine. It's no different than driving when you don't know how.

You guys need to get a grip. If you haven't read Hoke's book, please DO NOT POST QUESTIONS!

If ferrous sulphate is used as precipitant,
a brown color will indicate nitric ion presence
(not a precipitate)

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