This is my first post, but I`ve been reading the forum and its books (Hokes included) for 8 months. I`m a chemical technician not working in chemistry for the last 30 years. 3 months ago I began processing fingers and cpus.
In my country, there are several chemicals almost forbidden because they are used in the drugs process, they include HCl, NaOH, Solvay soda, SO4H, etc. Muriatic acid is still available but not know for how long. On the other hand, nitric acid is cheap and with no restrictions.
So I`m processing fingers with NO3H+H2O2 3%, with some heating. From time to time I give some temperature to the process (45º C), and I`ve found this method to be shorter in time that the usual AP process which I also tried.
The use I give to the H2O2 is to speed up the process and to diminish the NOxx gases.
Then filter and refine twice with AR. That`s it.
I also process the cpus with the same method: nitric+peroxide+some heating for dissolving the base metals, and AR process twice.
Question: do you think bubbling with air in the bucket will speed up the process the same way that H2O2?
This is my first post, but I`ve been reading the forum and its books (Hokes included) for 8 months. I`m a chemical technician not working in chemistry for the last 30 years. 3 months ago I began processing fingers and cpus.
In my country, there are several chemicals almost forbidden because they are used in the drugs process, they include HCl, NaOH, Solvay soda, SO4H, etc. Muriatic acid is still available but not know for how long. On the other hand, nitric acid is cheap and with no restrictions.
So I`m processing fingers with NO3H+H2O2 3%, with some heating. From time to time I give some temperature to the process (45º C), and I`ve found this method to be shorter in time that the usual AP process which I also tried.
The use I give to the H2O2 is to speed up the process and to diminish the NOxx gases.
Then filter and refine twice with AR. That`s it.
I also process the cpus with the same method: nitric+peroxide+some heating for dissolving the base metals, and AR process twice.
Question: do you think bubbling with air in the bucket will speed up the process the same way that H2O2?