Processing waste

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2020
So when I get around to processing my waste solution with copper, if there is still both gold AND silver in solution how do I do about separating the two metals?
Hi Goldman94, I am new to refining (only done one batch), so I will take a shot at a solution. Based on your question, I assume that you just have precipitated gold and silver powder in waste hydrochloric acid and copper solution.

Edit: my post and assumption are incorrect. See butcher’s response below.

You could filter the waste solution and catch the mixed powder, then rinse the powder multiple times with distilled water to remove all hydrochloric acid. Once the hydrochloric acid has been rinsed away, the silver may be dissolved in dilute nitric acid. Then, filtering the nitric acid solution should leave just the gold in the filter paper.

There may be more efficient methods and I am curious to see other recommendations.
Striker33, Thanks for helping but I believe you missed a small point.
Without know what all your waste is produced from what acids metals or other chemicals are involved I can only speak in general here.

First off you really will not have gold and silver in solution together as a chloride.
Silver forms an insoluble chloride, along with most of the lead and you normally separate these metals from the gold as it is dissolved into solution, before sending the solution to the stockpot or the waste treatment buckets.

silver chloride will not dissolve in nitric acid there are methods to dissolve the silver chloride from the reduce gold (metal powders), and you would probably rarely need to dissolve the silver chloride, one method is dangerous if you do not understand how to do it properly and the other is rarely used.

Since silver chloride is insoluble as a chloride salt, and gold is soluble as a chloride salt, then I would just dissolve the gold and separate the insoluble chlorides...

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