I took my boards and depopulated them. Soaked them in HCl til tin/nickel removed. Put them in a plastic tub. I added Muriatic Acid and maybe 3-5 oz of hydrogen peroxide, then filled the rest of the way with water (not distilled)(hope that wasnt a fatal error in this process) until the pieces of board were covered. I placed an air hose in the solution, and placed the bucket inside a larger bucket, and on top of a metal garbage can lid.
The reason for the large quantity of water was to keep the process going when my air hose cut off. It routinely does after a few hours, and then I need to let it cool and start again. Anyways, on about the 5th day, the solution turned from a perfect light green color into a 'dark green', but more accurately described as very dark brown/almost black solution. I am assuming theoxygen from the water I put in initially is depleted, and the air hose off all night caused the process to stop.
My question is, Do I need to decant and whip up a new batch of AP, or can I add an ounce of peroxide to 'restart' the process, a little more water, and get a second air hose to rotate in when the first one stops?
Is my solution eating my gold?
If I don't see a definitive answer shortly, I plan on decanting & filtering the ap solution, then storing and labeling it. I am going to rinse off the board pieces and collect all loose gold. The board pieces will go in a bag until later, especially if I can visually see the gold. If there is a large enough amount of gold in the original, I will proceed with that in AR and return to the remainder of the project later.
The reason for the detailed explanation is so people don't assume I just came here and posted a topic without reading. I have been reading here for over a year, and have fully recovered and refined gold by myself on several occasions using several different processes. I feel I have a decent understanding of the science, but there are still a few holes to fill in the gaps.
thank you for your time.
The reason for the large quantity of water was to keep the process going when my air hose cut off. It routinely does after a few hours, and then I need to let it cool and start again. Anyways, on about the 5th day, the solution turned from a perfect light green color into a 'dark green', but more accurately described as very dark brown/almost black solution. I am assuming theoxygen from the water I put in initially is depleted, and the air hose off all night caused the process to stop.
My question is, Do I need to decant and whip up a new batch of AP, or can I add an ounce of peroxide to 'restart' the process, a little more water, and get a second air hose to rotate in when the first one stops?
Is my solution eating my gold?
If I don't see a definitive answer shortly, I plan on decanting & filtering the ap solution, then storing and labeling it. I am going to rinse off the board pieces and collect all loose gold. The board pieces will go in a bag until later, especially if I can visually see the gold. If there is a large enough amount of gold in the original, I will proceed with that in AR and return to the remainder of the project later.
The reason for the detailed explanation is so people don't assume I just came here and posted a topic without reading. I have been reading here for over a year, and have fully recovered and refined gold by myself on several occasions using several different processes. I feel I have a decent understanding of the science, but there are still a few holes to fill in the gaps.
thank you for your time.