Saltpeter aka Sodium Nitrate Humor

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This old man of 82 years of age goes into the pharmacist.

The old says to the pharmacist can you give me aahh " pause " aaah some of that stuff they put in the solders food.

The pharmacist quick to reply you mean saltpeter.

The old mans reply, Yea thats it!

The pharmacist asks the old man. What the hell you want that for.

The old man looks at the pharmacist and says I want to stuff it up my nose and get the ideas out of my head.
Ha. I remember an old neighbour of mine using salpeters for his incontenence problems(sure). We use to steal some all the time to mix with sugar/coal and Make "smoke Bombs"(blackpowder). we'd also put some near gopher holes and shoot at it to blow up the gophers. (yeah kids can be cruel)

FYI saltpeter is potassium nitrate if I recall. (EDIT: same stuff)

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