There are a few here who have spent some time gaining knowledge while they have been members of the forum.
Most are open-minded, and many of us have had some ideas we may have thought were great, before we gained more knowledgable on the subject, and then sometimes with that gain of knowledge, we can develop, modify or scrap that idea for a better one, or a process known and proven to work.
I thought there were some knowledgable people here.
How much time, and work, how many years have you spent gaining knowledge on this subject?
You are the one asking questions, why bark at those trying to help you in gaining knowledge?
Your time would be better spent gaining knowledge about your ideas than barking at those who believe they would have other ideas but are also willing to help you with your problem...
I would want to hear every single reason, why that my idea may not be a good one, I would want to discuss why I believed it to be a good one, and hear of any problem others may see with the idea, and if they can convince me of a better idea, or show me the unforeseeable problem I may have with that idea.
so basically, I would not consider my self as the only one knowledgable, I would take advice from those with more knowledge, and consider advice from those with less knowledge who may have a different or even a better perspective than I have with my closed mind.
When NickV gives advice I always keep my ears open, I have learned a lot from the man.
Maybe your idea is a good one maybe a bad one, but it would not hurt to keep your ears and mind open, and maybe watch the tounge a bit.