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would it be better to cut the fingers off, or to just toss the whole ram stick into the AR solution? I have heard that the solder would cause the AR to not produce pure gold... is this correct?


Picture Of Type Of Ram Above ^
Like Steve stated, trimming the fingers, and dissolving out ALL of the base metal using AP is so much superior to simply dissolving out the entire DIMM. You will end up with tiny pure gold flakes, and no base metal. Then using AR (or HCL-CL) and precipitating out will get you very pure (.99 or better). If you simply dissolve the whole DIMM modules in AR, what gets precipitated out is much less pure, as there are much more base metals dissolved in your solution than if you properly dissolve out the base metals, leaving the gold, prior to dissolving out the gold. NOTE after you dissolve base metals (using nitric or AP), you have to filter and wash the gold that is left (still in solid form, as it did not dissolve).

Why not check out the tutorial section on these boards, and also see the videos on steve's web site. If you view all of the videos, things will start to make a little more since. The absolute bible of information is Hoke's book on refining PM scrap. It is a free PDF download from this site (look in the book's section).

Good luck, and hope you see a lot of gold, Jim.

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