I am more interested in your website than I am interested in video's that have no value, either humorous or informative. I'm not bashing your website or trying to take away from anything you have done with your site. It very well could be of great value to the forum. But posting a bunch of cheese-ball video's that have nothing to do with anything other than promoting your site. I personally like the idea of keeping them all to one post myself.
I am not talking out of my you know what, I speak from experience. I have started forums, sold them, started new ones, advertised, did SEO, YouTube, etc etc etc, I am in no way an expert but I do have experience. I currently have a few sites I am working on, when I am done with them, I am finished, Google changes their SEO randomly which makes it very difficult to keep customers happy. It's not as simple as throwing up a website and immediately start making money.
IF you are not very careful with the way you advertise, often your advertising will have the opposite affect . Regardless of what your actual intent might be. That is to say, your intent might be innocent, but the reality of your intent matters not. It's the perceived intent of your posts that people will remember, or that is to say what their perceived reality is.
Instead of these YouTube video's that have no value or meaning, you might be better served posting the individual items you have for sale, in it's respective area on this forum. There is an area for that type of thing, and you would be adding value to the forums. Plus, each time you list an individual item for sale on this website, it works better in the Google search engine optimization than posting it on YouTube, then posting them here.
You might want to check out a few sites that have to do with SEO. There is a ton of good information on how to correctly promote your website. Here is one such link:
If you email me privately, I would be happy to answer any questions I can about how to promote your website, I may not be able to answer all your questions, but I bet I will know where to look for the answers. I can't do the work for you, as I am totally swamped with my own, and putting my work area back together, building a scrubber and all while finishing my prior commitments in regards to POS consulting. It sometimes may take me a few hours to respond, but I will respond.