silver chloride treatments

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New member
Feb 4, 2011
I am a hobbyist currently engaged in a project with a couple of dentists and Chiropractors. I have removed the silver in the form of silver chloride from x-ray film. I have heard of a couple of formulas for recovering the silver from the chloride. 1) mixture of chloride and 000 steelwool What is the process? 2) sulphuric acid and iron, stirring the acid with the chloride with the iron. Am told that the result is a grey powder. However, when the chloride is exposed to light it turns grey. How does one tell the difference? Appreciate any info. Thanks Marc Mosse
It turns purple in sunlight, not gray. Also silver chloride starts out white and only changes color when exposed to light.

Silver powder won't change colors at all when exposed to light.

Silver powder is soluble in nitric acid, silver chloride is not.


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