Simplified Refining Instructions

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A big thank you to Harold_V

Anyone following these simplified instructions written by Harold_V along with Hokes book on refining precious metals will soon become a professional in the art of refining.

1. Processing Filings and Pieces of Gold Mixed With Minor Amounts of Silver
2. Incinerating the Waste
3. Screening
4. Silver
5. Testing White Metals
6. Platinum and Palladium
7. Aluminum
8. Processing the Filings
9. Inquartation
10. Dental Gold
11. Melting the Metal
12. Dissolving the Base Metals and Silver
13. Dissolving the Filings and Gold Mud With Aqua Regia
14. Evaporating the Gold Solution
15. Filtering the Gold Solution
16. Precipitating the Gold
17. Washing the Precipitated Gold
18. Drying the Gold Powder
19. Weighing and Packaging the Gold
20. Polishing Waste, Floor Sweeps and Ultrasonic Sludge
21. Procedures
22. Incineration
23. Screening the Material
24. Dealing With the Solids >From the Goldsmith's Waste
25. Dealing With the Solids >From the Silversmith's Waste
26. Dealing With the Incinerated Dirt From the Goldsmith's Waste
27. Dealing With the Incinerated Dirt From the Silversmith's Waste
I think the trick to learning is understanding.
I don't know if i am making sense or not.
But how many times we want to learn something or kids they want to learn something and its no understandable
golddie said:
I think the trick to learning is understanding.
I don't know if i am making sense or not.
But how many times we want to learn something or kids they want to learn something and its no understandable

Harold_V's instructions on refining are so simply laid out in plain English a Baboon could refine precious metals following his instructions. Obviously you have not read the document.
I have not read the whole thing but at first glance it looks very good!

It took you a good deal of time to put that together and it will help many that have troubles finding what they are looking for with the search function. Just imagine the amount of time it took Harold to convey all that expertise.

A thank you and hats off to you both.
Another great find. 8) 8) 8)
Gustavus, my hat's off to you. That's two good pdf's i've seen you post this week.

qst42know said:
Harold, I take it that these are the instructions you left behind with your refinery?

And the fellow still failed?

That I don't understand.
It takes more than instruction to succeed. One must have the will to work----and work as many hours as are required. Also, take note of patnor's comments. He hit the nail on the head.

The individual in question fancied himself clever----immediately wanting to change the methods of operation ( remember, he had no experience in refining, but chose to second guess decisions I had made through experience), and was less than forthright with the customers. He single handedly killed in a few months that which took me years to establish.

I do not consider myself wise in the way of business operations. What I do consider is that I am able to listen to those that I would serve, and make sure I did the things they expected, and to make sure I didn't do any of the things they didn't expect, or want.

One of them was being honest. Even when a lot of gold was processed at a loss, I didn't dip into the values. I took that which was rightfully mine, and no more. The only exception is that which was tied up in waste materials, which, in the scheme of things, was a very small percentage. I expect no more than 1%, but I'll never know.

The individual in question had many issues that didn't lend themselves well to success. Had I known that, he wouldn't have ended up with the business. He had me at his disposal to help in learning the processing, and had more work than he could handle. His lack of service and his dishonesty with customers, where he was selling customer gold to stay afloat, spelled his doom.

Interestingly, he faults me with his failure, yet I had so much business that I was working 12 hour days, seven days/week. Even holidays were work days, in order to keep abreast of the flow. I withheld no information from him, as you can see, clearly.

To his credit, I was paid in full for the business. I'm grateful for the decision I made to consult an attorney for the sale. That may have not been the case otherwise.

I am not suggesting that following the outlines presented guarantee success, but they worked for me for years. They may not be the best procedures in all instances, but one thing I can guarantee-----they work, and they work well. I have no doubt, they are at odds with many of the procedures used by large refiners-----but I wasn't a "large" refiner.

Hi gustavus
You didn't understand be
I wrote that to point out that it was easy to understand.
HI Harold
I didn't know this story about the person that bought your business and he failed
Thanks for reminding us about greed.
It is a terrible thing and it destroys many people.
Its too bad that the person that bought your business blamed you.
The fact that you are here helping so many people that you don't even know.
You had no reason to want him to fail.
golddie said:
HI Harold
I didn't know this story about the person that bought your business and he failed
Thanks for reminding us about greed.
It is a terrible thing and it destroys many people.
Its too bad that the person that bought your business blamed you.
The fact that you are here helping so many people that you don't even know.
You had no reason to want him to fail.
His primary complaint is that I wouldn't forgive the note he signed. For some reason, he expected me to take a bullet when the shortcomings were his, not mine. I had spent years developing what turned out to be a wonderful small business, albeit not one that was planned.

To be quite truthful, I am furious that he killed something that was one of my life's accomplishments. I would have been very proud to have seen him succeed, but that was not to be. It is for that reason I would not have sold to him, had I known he was a flake, and that is what he turned out to be.

Harold, just want to thank u.

Its not a nice thing you have done, but more than that. Its a plenty great knowledgefull which priceless for all of us here. I just starting to learn what I have here and just taken a small step to gather stuff (cheapos/junk yard) to make a homemade gold refining system (2-5Kg scrap/day)(AR?).

Thanks to u and for all other guys who contributes here.

Hi all, I am very new and have read and watched videos till my head hurts. Thanks for the link there Glorycloud I was having a little trouble following this string. Now I am in awe of all. this is the greatest forum in the www. I will be processing some scrap jewelry soon.
glorycloud said:
They are probably referring to this PDF written by Harold I believe.

I am brand new (just joined the forum last night). I read this thread and also wanted to read the document Harold wrote. However the attachment stated it does not exist anymore. Does anyone know where I can locate this attachment?

Thanks (the brand new guy)

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