I understand in this line of work their are some things that are absolutely critical, given the potential disaster that can result from the miss-use of words/ incorrect spelling. I always make quite considerable effort to make sure that posts are accurate. I wouldn't even dream of posting some thing related to chemical process with out being 110% sure that all information provided is sound. Its seems that as soon as some one slips up no matter how trivial, every one here just wants to jump on the band wagon and have a good stab at the new guy,
"Jim doc" is a prime example.
"Hoke" seems to be the most commonly misspelled four letter word around here.
If you can't get her name straight, then you really should find another hobby.
Spelling a persons name wrong means you should find another hobby?
Would you (Jim doc) find that a particularly constructive comment?
No doubt some one will be quoting my use of the word "trivial".
Nuclear power plants, space programmes ect, of course being pedantic saves lives. Even NASA makes mistakes, I doubt any of them were related to an incorrect spelling of a author's name.
I have to apologise for getting so easily ruffled! I liked your reply, it was fair and constructive. I now understand why you felt compelled to correct me.
I know their must be people reading my post thinking that "He's just not getting it". I work in an industry where you have to get it right or you lose obscene amounts of money or endanger peoples lives. I value the detail, it saves money/time/lives. I realise why the spelling mistake is causing offence, its the principle of making sure information is finite. Its just that I find it difficult to not be offended by people candidly passing judgements.
Rant over, no doubt I have opened my self up to yet another onslaught of colourful comments. :lol:
----On a good note----
I successfully precipitated gold for the first time this evening! So very happy about that.