Some gold still in solution

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Sep 12, 2019
This is my first time doing gold recovery from boards. Everything looked great until I added SMB and I got almost nothing to precipitate. After reading some more about why, I'm thinking too much excess nitric acid? I heated my solution to try to evaluate off excess acid and diluted with distilled water while continuing to add SMB. I got more gold out but I'm adding WAY more SMB than should be needed (I did a very small test batch so in thinking maybe 1/8g gold, I've added probably 30g SMB).

I've still slightly yellow tinted solution, any suggestions?
I don't have any yet, the order is still shipping.

Should I filter out the solids and save the leftover liquid for when it arrives?

Out of curiosity, if it's not gold, why would the yellow color come from?
What did you start with, how much and how did you treat it.... for a starter. We can't read your mind.

Yellow could come from iron, or tungsten or some other things...

Should have stannous before even starting to refine, in my humble opinion.

How is one to finish a job, if they do not possess all the required tools of the trade?
Having hydrochloric acid and circuit boards is enough. Heat the board until the tin dissolves, hit it hard at an angle against a flat surface, collect the solder and put it in the acid. Voila! Stannous!

Just for giggles I once made stannous from some circuit boards I put in HCl, worked like a charm.


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