stannous test for RT piece

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
Hello every one i was testing some electric pieces on old circuit boards

i found this piece wich coaded RT which i think is a thermistor, i attached its photo in the attachments below

inside it i found white discs and their photo is also attached below

I crushed those discs well and poured them in nitric acid for half an hour then i added HCL , good amount of silver has precipitated

i filteted the solution which has a yellow color as attached below then i tested it with stannous chloride
and the color has darkened and became dark red as attached below , this indicates another metal in these discs , what you think is this metal dear friends ?
during my studying for precious metals tests i read that palladium gives such a color at low level of concentration while it gives greenish dark color at higher levels of concentration.


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My advice which you won’t like much , which is to stop messing with chemicals and read more to find what is likely and what is not likely to have precious metals in them, it’s very unlikely you will find something others didn’t discover many years ago, I know you are trying to learn so read more and stop posting tests that show nothing of interest to our members and do your homework, there is no other way to learn but to read and research.
Once you have a product that has a decent value we will help if you can’t or won’t do the necessary work to work out how to do so yourself.

Yesterday you sent me a PM asking me about this very same thread - here is what you posted in the PM you sent me

After i dissolved the discs inside the RT piece in nitric i got positive test for silver

i did a stannous test after separating the silver
the solution was yello and became almost red

in your original post in this thread you posted

Hello every one i was testing some electric pieces on old circuit boards

i found this piece wich coaded RT which i think is a thermistor, i attached its photo in the attachments below

inside it i found white discs and their photo is also attached below

I crushed those discs well and poured them in nitric acid for half an hour then i added HCL , good amount of silver has precipitated

i filteted the solution which has a yellow color as attached below then i tested it with stannous chloride
and the color has darkened and became dark red as attached below , this indicates another metal in these discs , what you think is this metal dear friends ?
during my studying for precious metals tests i read that palladium gives such a color at low level of concentration while it gives greenish dark color at higher levels of concentration.

Per the underlined above - I replied in this thread saying ---------

Where did the pictures go :?:

This post is absolutely worthless without the Pics :(


Why are you sending me a PM asking the same questions you asked in this thread --- instead of simply providing the pictures right here in this thread so that we can see what the heck you are talking about so that I &/or other members can help you

i found this piece wich coaded RT which i think is a thermistor, i attached its photo in the attachments below

Without that picture - I have no idea what the heck an RT piece is

Please post ALL the pictures --- in this thread - of what you are asking/talking about


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