Stock pot issues and questions

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Oct 5, 2022
Okay so for all my precious metal stuff in your stock pot because I messed it up several times with copper which brought a black sand out of solution and a settled on the bottom I boil it several times to get off any water soluble salts and then I smelled it it just turned back to black sand with very sparkly bits of metal in it that seem to crumble what am I doing wrong what's going on how come there's no gold or any other thing that I can tell there's some sort of metal in it but it's very brittle and it doesn't combine in the smelter I have which only gets up to 1500° c
Okay so for all my precious metal stuff in your stock pot because I messed it up several times with copper which brought a black sand out of solution and a settled on the bottom I boil it several times to get off any water soluble salts and then I smelled it it just turned back to black sand with very sparkly bits of metal in it that seem to crumble what am I doing wrong what's going on how come there's no gold or any other thing that I can tell there's some sort of metal in it but it's very brittle and it doesn't combine in the smelter I have which only gets up to 1500° c
First and foremost, we need to know more.
What kind of material did you process?
What was done with it?
Why do you think it had/has Gold in it?
How was it tested?
We can start with that.
To follow up on Yggdrasils post smelting your stockpot residue is not advised as it’s a basic recovery process and will only cause you more problems when you try to refine it.