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Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2012
Have ended up with Military connectors, pins, test cables and Hewlett Packard items( pre- 80's) I think. Gold plated items means seek the advice of people who know "Gold". Reading some posts, I feel that more is in order . Currently cleaning up from a lot of buying Gov. surplus. Tools, tents, scissor lifts, rackmount cases , power supplies , you name it I may have one. May have some 122 key keyboards someone was looking for in the wanted area. I think the forum Guide, handbook and Hoke are next before any questions. As for me , Electrician for Michelin, Machine Keeper for MBIA-Lithium Division, back to school for Networking -Cisco . a couple of years ago and been doing some scrapping in between.
Welcome aboard. All I would suggest (other than what you've stated you're doing) is to check what some of the complete pieces you have might go for on ebay before hacking them to pieces. Particularly if you have electronics skill and can get one or more things working. Older hp stuff is not exactly breaking the doors down, but there is always someone looking some weird piece of gear, and that stuff is well known to be near bulletproof. Somebody, somewhere might just want it, and if they do, trust me, the $$ yield will be almost always be much, much more than the scrap gold (and copper and alum) you might drag out of it.
Thanks ,
I had sold some thru E-bay - a contact in Vermont, he already had the Rep and all in place , so I didn't have to start new. shipped from here and we had a good split .Which after some looking, I probally won't try to set up and refine. I'll continue to harvest pins and things that I think have the goodies and be on the lookout for someone to work with for the refining when I get to that stage. Will be working on reading , and getting some photos to help on some things to ask about,..

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