Tincture of iodine to refine gold pins

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May 27, 2012
I was told that you use sodium hydroxide as a stablizer.
Does anyone know why you would use sodium hydroxide to refine gold using tincture of iodine. I know iodine is neither a base nor an acid so I am trying to find out why I would/need/use it.
Any ideas?
Do not post in multiple threads. One is just enough.

I never heard of basic iodine leach. It was always neutral or slightly acidic.
Iodine tincture is problematic in many ways, because it is many times stabilized with some polyvinylpyrrolidone or other soluble polymeric junk, from what you cannot easily extract iodine. And it could make quite a problem when you are recovering gold back.
I also never heard of base stabilized iodine tincture. It will be caustic to users... Iodine in basic enviroment lose it´s colour due to reaction to hypoiodite or iodate compounds, which are colourless.

You also mentioned precipitation. Vitamin C is one option, but you can also use simple SMB to accomplish the same thing. SMB is in my opinion much more easy to use and you do not need pH adjustment, as you do with ascorbic acid.
The main problem here may be the videos he has been using.
The producer is a member who makes a lot of videos.
Posting them and not listening to advice, even if he sometimes asked for it. Well at least not giving feedback.

I have seen two of his videos and found them lacking in many aspects so I stopped watching.
I'm not sure, the info given in the videos can be trusted for the same reason.
Patnor had some info in here regarding Iodine-Iodide leaching.
Search for Patnor and Iodine on the forum.
The main problem here may be the videos he has been using.
The producer is a member who makes a lot of videos.
Posting them and not listening to advice, even if he sometimes asked for it. Well at least not giving feedback.

I have seen two of his videos and found them lacking in many aspects so I stopped watching.
I'm not sure, the info given in the videos can be trusted for the same reason.
I agree with that.
There is so much questionable content lurking on the YouTube, one can get easily attracted with "few grams of gold from 5 cellphones" type videos. Lack of any safety measures, no gloves, "refiners" walking in flip-flops when pouring liters of nitric from canisters... Clouds of red NO2 from the top of the roof somewhere in the middle of a city... Claiming 99,99% gold which was dropped from cloudy greenish solution with SMB from some old muddy sack :D :D etc

And most importantly, serious lack of informations, skipping the explanation of the steps, misleading explanations of what is going on etc...

And then tricked people come here to the forum to resolve the problems, which arised from these videos :/
Do not post in multiple threads. One is just enough.

I never heard of basic iodine leach. It was always neutral or slightly acidic.
Iodine tincture is problematic in many ways, because it is many times stabilized with some polyvinylpyrrolidone or other soluble polymeric junk, from what you cannot easily extract iodine. And it could make quite a problem when you are recovering gold back.
I also never heard of base stabilized iodine tincture. It will be caustic to users... Iodine in basic enviroment lose it´s colour due to reaction to hypoiodite or iodate compounds, which are colourless.

You also mentioned precipitation. Vitamin C is one option, but you can also use simple SMB to accomplish the same thing. SMB is in my opinion much more easy to use and you do not need pH adjustment, as you do with ascorbic acid.
Thanks so much for your info. Tincture of iodine is not a base nor an acid, so the guy who made the utube for the gold recovery said to add sodium hydroxide to act as a stablizer. Do you think that would help? My Chemistry is not that good so if you can could you dumb it down for me. You are way too advanced for me.
Long story short. Iodine tincture is solution of iodine in some alcohol or other solvent, often stabilized with polymers.
Iodine leaching work perfectly fine also without any base or acid added, but standard recipee use also some potassium or sodium iodide, alongside of iodine.

I never added hydroxide to iodine leach. Maybe the guy added hydroxide because doing this you create sodium iodide and iodate together... I have no idea :)

I used I2/KI method few times in life, but never iodine from tincture. I made iodine myself, tincture was way too expensive. I obtained sodium iodide, and then make iodine from it, oxidizing with hydrogen peroxide. Much cheaper and effective.
hi I´m andy from austria, new to the GRF, came from prospecting. Got lots of ewaste in my job as
technician (science institute). I´m in the state of reading, learning doing smal scale experiments.
"Patnor and iodine leach" helped perfect! Was the reason to join as supporting Member.
Just in case, somebody´s intrest in iodine-iodide lixiviant solutions goes deeper.
See atached Papers:

thank´s to all here!


  • Recovery of gold in iodine-iodide system – a review.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 45
    1.4 MB · Views: 29

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