First, decide whether you want meters on the supply or not. They are nice but not necessary if you are on a budget, or, if you are starting up and don't yet know whether you want to go "all in". It's perfectly fine (in my book) to buy a multimeter (they are cheap now, under $20) and use it to monitor volts, and, when not using it for chem purposes, then it's a meter which useful elsewhere. This is NOT that good for measuring current...because current measurements require interrupting the circuit and thus you would need a means of doing that. A connector. It would be perfectly valid to chop off the disk-drive cables from the power supply you use for the 3.3 volts and use one of these ( would need a male and a female, and ideally, you need four to set up a little deal so that you could insert (or not) your meter.)
Most electrochemical processes use less than 5 volts, but depending upon the size of your "tub" they might need a fair amount of current, I am calling ten amps or more a fair amount of current.
If you want to go the cheapest, a converted PC power supply can be FREE and can supply 3.3 volts at 20+ amps. Pretty nice. And if for some reason you blow it up, well, the next one is free, too. Kadriver has used these with great results and you should be able to search (by author) for his EXCELLENT posts re: silver cells. To make one work, you have to figure out how to 1: Short those two pins that represent the "on-off" switch; and 2: Provide a load so that power supply can start and run. This is entirely typical of a switching power supply. The load is just a resistor that convinces the power supply that "there is something there".
Point being, this has been done and it works fine. Google "Convert Computer ATX Power Supply to Lab Power Supply" or 'Bench' Supply and you'll find multiple articles showing just how to do it. Not difficult at all.
If you don't like that, you can often buy a surplus Lambda supply of a type that goes in the back of some other piece of gear. Here's a 6 volt one that can put out up to 19 amps. $10. Of course there is the issue of shipping same to Australia, but there are zillions of these out there. Other brands are Acopian, Power One...but the Lambdas are bulletproof and probably most common.
Keep looking for surplus Lambda or Kepco or Sorenson or Acopian....maybe you can find a nice rackmount one with meters. Meters are definitely nice, but once the item looks like a real piece of equipment, with fancy meters, then folks generally want money for them.
The PC supply works great. Don't diss it. Check out kadrivers' posts.