Vinegar dilution

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
I have a 70% concentrated vinegar , i want to dilute it to 20% to use it with salt in reverse electrloytic plating
any ways can i simply use tap or distilled water to dilute it ??
Absolutely. Vinegar is acetic acid. The 70% that you have is already diluted with distilled water.
First, I still don't understand why people want to use vinegar (acetic acid) with salt. Once you combine the two, you have acetic acid along with hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the solution. Why not just buy HCl?

Second, how are you planning to use this in "reverse electrloytic plating"? The usual reverse electroplating cell (better referred to as a stripping cell) uses sulfuring acid as the electrolyte. You will not create sulfuric acid with vinegar and salt.

Now, there are salt based cells. I believe that's the basis of one of Shore's products.

Maybe if you tell us a little more about what you're planning, we can help you a little more.

Good point Dave. I completely overlooked the reason he wanted it in the first place. My bad :eek: :lol:
FrugalRefiner said:
First, I still don't understand why people want to use vinegar (acetic acid) with salt. Once you combine the two, you have acetic acid along with hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the solution. Why not just buy HCl?

Second, how are you planning to use this in "reverse electrloytic plating"? The usual reverse electroplating cell (better referred to as a stripping cell) uses sulfuring acid as the electrolyte. You will not create sulfuric acid with vinegar and salt.

Now, there are salt based cells. I believe that's the basis of one of Shore's products.

Maybe if you tell us a little more about what you're planning, we can help you a little more.


Well , the answer is simple , some people cant simply get hcl due to their countries laws
and yes i used 15% vinegar and salt in the cell instead on sulfuric acid and got amazing results
The higher the concentration of the vinegar the faster the process , on the other hand isnt it better to use those healthy components instead of the scary sulfuric
Sayf, I have to comment on your statement on 'healthy components'. Electrolysis with hydrochloric acid will emit chloire gas. Consider that healthy?
Not taking in account the reactions caused by the other compounds that you create compared to just using clean HCL. Which i can not predict for you with my limited knowledge.

And electrolysis will strip more than just gold, leaving toxic metal salts in solution. Concentrated sulphuric is used because copper is insoluble in it. I suspect gold can even go in solution in a HCL based cel as AuCl.

Using and combining household 'harmless components' can create deadly compounds.
Salt and vinerag go perfecly fine in a salad, but adding electricity and metal salts to the equation changes it to poison.

Thats why most household chemicals have a warning saying 'Do not mix with other chemicals!' The reaction can result in toxic gas.

And I agree, concentrated sulphuric acid is something to handle with exteme care and can be quite scary. Studying the dangers of a process extensively is necessary to be able to work safe and be prepared for what can go wrong. Prevention of risks is what you should be focussed on.

But experimenting with things you don't completely understand also sounds pretty scary to me. Especially the unpredictability of it. And the level of ecperience needed to recognize potential risks when experimenting with chemistry. Which is what your'e doing.

I got lost in reading and watching so many different ways to recover gold and the fine details that are left out when i started this hobby. Some things look too easy, but are actually more time consuming, costly or more dangerous than the tried and proven methods.
Most things are done a certain way for a reason.


Electrolysis of hydrochloric acid explained:

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