Well how embarrassing no stannous

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Aug 26, 2022
Hello I'm A.T.S. (all that scrap)
I've paddled my way through several flops or sometime dazzling wonderful epics of my experiments(rather than profession) having enough scrap to attempt to make way one time or many (in future)... My material or alloy consists of Palladium,Gold,IRON,and honestly 3% or less of few un mention able metals . I've dabbled with 5 gallon buckets and 12 volt batteries(water electrolysis), acetylene/oxy, and within some nearer attempt aqua regia hcl ,smb,sulfuric,and even nature so my royals or my success has been making a laughing stick of how much money energy and time I've devoted to the magic alchemy of REFINEMENT, I GUESS I'm pretty interested in it and have seen separation,color,and events,all carry me down this path, siding with enjoyment rather than wealth I've relieved a pound of stress just toying with words to reach out to you folks for a introduction to my journey and a hand needing help quite a bit probably, so if I could ad this pictures and just possibly get some feedback on what this may be and if a step or two could be befriended through the forum and help me with this accomplishment I feel I've made somehow along the way????!!!! Thank you sorry for the bewildering story but it helps to relay the crazyness that I just can't explain.


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Well hello frugal refiner and 4 metals I'm a little misunderstood I guess in regards from the little but exciting remarks I received, I guess some lifeform is recognizing my attempt to ask a question regarding my practices when I obviously find it hard to square the question due to my unfamiliarity with in which my breakthrough from unseen before instance where I feel my efforts have definitely pronounced some goal in my attempts at being a very patient noobE and a excited one to say the least. My efforts that have gone into achieving thse pics I'd have to say is triumphant yet the "duh" part of ( what the hell is it Pd or Au or both or lemonade)? Just kidding it's obviously lemon ada. No seriously it's a beautiful standstill I'm aware through this forums creed on bearing manliness and maturity in this field only begins with the cape that stanous chloride has ,it's the cream de la cream of opinion remover and the what do I due next type of non bullshit accountability.

So I'm babling to myself I guess and need to go friend hunting or dumpster diving or amazoning and wear my pair so that I can jump into misses hikes beautiful portrait and try not to get lost after testing my lemonade 🍋 to put the penny on what do I do next with this stuff ( here's my fool I actually had some interest in believing that this yellow thick clear material I have refined was actually a accomplishment in terms of the finish line and that somewhere men of honor buy this stuff like milk and cookies(serious) now I'm a bit disassociated with reality cause where the hell did I come up with that idea? I'm not sure Pd saltsburgundy or yellow in it's chlorinated instances I think but ,I'm only tripping due to I can't help but imagine maybe my addition of sulfuric acid and my last HCl boil maybe just (is sulfuric acid yellow?) Anyhow I'm not willing to believe that my idea of adding ammonium chloride or sulfite or nitrate? Is the appropriate Guesstimation so after all is happily said and done I'm in this standstill turning to this forum . Does some one have any opinion on what to do with this stage of my efforts in my cementing out and refined product I've made it to so far thank you any info would be awesome


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I’ll try to be polite.
First do what Frugalrefiner told you, the values if they ever was there won’t go anywhere unless you throw them away.

Put all in safe containers in a safe place while you acquire the skills and information needed.

Next, do what 4metals told you.
Explain whats in the pictures clearly and concisely.

Your last post made no sense what so ever, just endless hard to read babble.

1 what starting material did you have?
2 what did you do with it?
And so on.
Did you test the solution with stannous?
Did you ever watch the old tv show Dragnet ? if not look it up.

“Just the facts.”Forget the the flowery explanation on this and that - no offense.

If you need help you need to be specific on what you had, how you tested it, what you did and what it tested after.

I’ll try to be polite.
First do what Frugalrefiner told you, the values if they ever was there won’t go anywhere unless you throw them away.

Put all in safe containers in a safe place while you acquire the skills and information needed.

Next, do what 4metals told you.
Explain whats in the pictures clearly and concisely.

Your last post made no sense what so ever, just endless hard to read babble.

1 what starting material did you have?
2 what did you do with it?
And so on.
Did you test the solution with stannous?
Thank you for response I did state that I did excessively use the platform as a form of stress relief but maybe a different forum is for that type of implementation,sorry,

And thank you for the polite and open explanation of facts only.
Honestly appreciation
Did you ever watch the old tv show Dragnet ? if not look it up.

“Just the facts.”Forget the the flowery explanation on this and that - no offense.

If you need help you need to be specific on what you had, how you tested it, what you did and what it tested after.

🙏🙏 Understood
I have never done this before but so many people have done it here it seemed obnoxious to say, but here goes....... Read Hoke. There, I said it.

I read her book once, many years after I had been refining, and found it to be a helpful work which covered a lot of ground. She did have a section on identifying metals and testing. Concentrate on that when buying or acquiring scrap and she also had a series of familiarization reactions to familiarize yourself with what you are looking at. Two skills that will improve with hands on experience, and pay you back handsomely for all of the time you spend refining.

The more you know before asking questions, the more serious the participating members here will take your request. And the more you know, the more you will realize how important detailed descriptions and photos become in properly answering your questions.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.

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